
Hot take: I approve this 100%.

FINALLY! I’ve been trying for YEARS to feedback to Apple Music how fucking sexist their playlists are. They are overwhelmingly white dude-heavy, and there are many playlists that don’t feature women at all. This needs to be fixed ASAP.

I’ve worked with people who worked very closely with Kanye. He is extremely unwell - fixated on alien invasions, and sometimes barely functional.

When I lived in DC about 12 years ago, there was a story on the news how a man was beaten senseless, and left to die in a vestibule on a busy street— thousands of people walked by him, figured he was drunk, so he died slowly without help.

I feel like now every article about Trump needs to have a corresponding song, because it makes the fuckery slightly amusing.

I’m willing to bet GOOD money that Sandoval is there in the wings feeding him lines so that his OTP can redeem himself this season, after last year.

Ahem. You left out the BEST PART. The conversation between Jax and Tom while Tom desperately tried on increasingly ridiculous costumes while they talked about life, then the cut to to Tom wearing something completely different with him saying “I have a guy I call in case of costume emergencies”.

They don’t quarantine anymore, if you can show that you vaccinated against rabies 6 months before the trip, with an accompanying blood draw...that’s certified by the USDA vet of your region at least 2 weeks before your trip.

The monarch is imbued with the will to rule, literally by the grace of God. So, the current sitting Queen of England was granted her inherent powers by male diety, rather than through her own accomplishments. Ergo, a man grants authority to the woman. Patriarchy!

Weakest candidate in years? Oh fuck right off. I’ll say this once: look at demographics of support.

Exeter is haunted af. My friend lived on Fore st and used to see a Victorian maid walk Through her bedroom wall

I lol’d. This one is so White Guy (tm) it’s funny.

0/10, wouldn’t bang. What a whiny crapweasel he is, with his rheumy eyes and mediocrity melting off his face.

Despacito is sexist and gross. I’m glad it has not usurped sweet angel Mariah, and the power grouping of Boys II Men.

This list is perfect. I’d only add the Mexico trip from RHONY this season is definitely a must watch, as well as the season 7 trip, because it was so, like, cool; and also when we first got introduced to Dorinda’s drunk hands.

One of my weird, favorite pastimes is looking up random celebrities’ political contributions on the FEC site.

Legit, I was trashed at Pump the day of the Women’s March—I told her I marched for he (because I thought it was funny...) and she lectured me how I needed to give Trump a chance. Homegirl supported him, at least in Jan.

The moment I saw it was in Essex, was the moment I knew everything I needed to know about this story.

EMILY VALENTINE. No other answer is acceptable.

I am HERE for this. Single Luann is the BEST Luann.