
Where my mom comes from in southern India, women would never call out the names of their children in the late afternoon/dusk/night. It was said that there would be a particular type of ghost thing that lived in the forest and would learn children’s names by the shouts of their mothers, and would learn to mimic the

I feel like, Alaska, the whole damn state, is haunted.

When we first moved into our house that would happen to me all the time. Unlike you, though, I did get up to check what it was and saw nothing. Absolutely nothing. I mentioned it to my husband and he didn’t believe me until one afternoon when we were both lying in bed and the insistently random tick tap tacks began.

let him fucking live his life, randi.

Well of course you thought you were really mature! You were 17. Every single 17 year old girl thinks she's the most mature person in the world. But most 17 year olds have no actual real life experiences to back up their claims of "maturity". Mirroring the likes and behaviors of older women a mature teenager does not

I wanted to be happy that there was at least one instance of a diverse body type of on stage (there could have been more, I only watched once) but instead just felt that it was being fetishized or objectified or something...wrong.