
...I read his ruling, because I thought this was too ridiculous the way it was presented here—and it was. This is the full pull quote, way to cherry pick it:

No no no no no no NO! Palin is originally from Idaho, that’s where that stupid folksy twang comes from.

!! I saw these two assholes racing on the 10 last Thursday night. They were driving extremely fast (and it was pretty packed), and generally acting like total fools. Zipping in and out of the lanes, and tailing the other cars way too closely.

I don’t think this is a “men do this thing.” If you can’t get a word in edge wise at a casual lunch you’re either:

I have both TMJ and misophonia. Girl— no need to apologize. If I hear someone eating an apple it makes me want to STAB STAB STAB.

Not sure how it happened, but for a brief glorious moment, Amazon price matched Walmart for the Fitbit HR, about 30 minutes ago. So I got it for $117, plus the $25 credit. Can’t beat that!

Not sure how it happened, but for a brief glorious moment, Amazon price matched Walmart for the Fitbit HR, about 30

That’s why I made my own site, devoted entirely towards finding me a date. Less competition, and if the guy can get over the weird qutoa overload of starting your own dating site, for you—they’ve already passed the humor test.

This man is my spirit animal. Noise ordinances exist for a reason, regardless of the time of day. Rather than tell him to suck it up, how about we put the onus on the noise makers being inconsiderate assholes, or failing to properly notify the residents of the area? Loud noise that interrupts your life is a nuisance,

I saw Miss Blue Farted, but its good to see I'm in good company. ;)

UGGGGH. Arena. It smells like wet feet, death, and stale WKD puke. It's all about Timepiece. ;)

That whole performance made me want to tell her to sit down and behave herself.

With all due respect, who gives a shit if you come off as mean? You don't have to be nice. He's in your personal space, making you feel really uncomfortable. It's more important you react in a way that doesn't escalate the situation into something scarier than worrying about his feelings.

The real Diagon Alley is called Gandy Street and it's in Exeter UK. Urban legend has it Rowling came up with the entire plot for the books while she was at Uni here.

I actually wrote a movie about a group of four twenty-something women who develop superpowers after drinking homemade beer, which gives them super strength and that ability to see their town has been overrun with aliens. It would be rated PG-13. The REALLY frustrating thing is that I've gotten traction with a few

OMG. How can you have a build up of artichokes? I live in England atm, and there's only one grocery store that has them in my city, and I will walk 45 mins each way just to get my hands on a few. They are hands down the best food ever.

I DO know, because I have been a carer for a person with a disability on a flight, multiple times. I'm not entirely sure why this thread is getting dragged up now,but I'll happily reply to you.

Dude...Why not call her Jenny S. instead of her full last name, so she's not forever tarnished as a shoplifter on Google? Not very nice.

You're awesome!

I just copied and pasted the spam bot's! :)

I can't wait to see what they come up with next. I'd like a robot symbol, please!