

Clearly you've never been to Alaska. We're a special breed up north.

Traditional gift is a watch, or so I've been told.

WHY WHY WHY does EVERYTHING in this show have to have a larger cultural significance???? I find it so demeaning and sexist. We're not picking apart Two and a Half Men, and what it means for males in American society, so WHY must we ascribe so much to this stupid, silly show just because it's written by a woman? A

That makes much more sense, the first tweet didn't. I'm shocked, SHOCKED that Jezebel would put up only the first so that the meaning is ambiguous.

Not ashamed to proudly tell you Carrie was 32 years old at the start of season 1, and turned 33 half way through. Every season showed her birthday, so she went up a number half way through each one.

Uh, if the absentee ballot never arrived, how did you vote? I call shenanigans.

They may claim to follow the Bible as it stands, but the fact of the matter is the Bible was not written AS the Bible, it was a loose collection of stories by the apostles until Council of Nicaea sat down and began the process of saying what went in the Bible and what didn't. Additionally American fundies are reading

Because women in America have rights that our Saudi sisters couldn't dream of. It's extremely insulting to compare our patriarchy (which there are federal laws in our favor to combat) to women who cannot drive without their husband's permission.

The main difference is that Christianity is allowed to evolve past the Bible because the "original" text has been lost, but the Koran is literally treated as the word of Allah.

Now THIS is a good idea! Amazing!

THAT GUY!!!!!!!!

The thing is, consider the source. Men marketing a busty headless torso to another group of men. If it were about gore and the lot, why did it *have* to be a chick in a bikini with no head, but big breasts?

The point is actually the systemic glorification of violence against women, and a culture where we are told we are overreacting when we call shenanigans on this crap. How does a headless, sexualized torso as a USP not fit into that dialogue?

Right, it's a serious issue because it reduces women to just body parts, and is marketed to men. This is a problem because male violence against women is a massive problem, and a headless sexualized torso is just that. It's a body part, rather than a person.

Ha, but was she as drunk as me when she wrote it, is the real question.

I'm super relieved that people with famous parents with connections are getting jobs. I was worried there for a hot minute.

UGH, as a someone in Marketing, I IMPLORE you to change the name of the game. Make it snappy, make it fun. HERstory sounds like a module in your Women's Studies class. Great for learning, not great for fun.

I live in the UK, I've gone to Scotland a lot. The entire island drinks to excess in a way that Americans, unless they've witnessed it first hand, can't comprehend. This may be condescending towards women, but if it gets anyone to put down the bottle, then it's ok by me.

Me too! only I mute it and then cover my eyes. I just can't with shows like these. I don't like laughing at someone, but with them. I feel like Awkward moment, you laugh at them.