
So whats your take on this Jason? You have done some extensive coverage of Destiny in the past, both in your lovely to read book and here on this site, you must have a thought or 2 about whether this change could be for the good or bad of the franchise and how the Bungie employees are looking at this?

“Can you really cite your own article about a topic as evidence that something is “making headlines”?”

Nobody’s going to work at their twitch streaming job and being forced to deal with or even work in proximity to their co-worker who made a joke they found offensive. He’s an independent worker who uses twitch as a platform. His workplace is his home. The only people who have to deal with his behavior, professionally

I see you’re not intellectually capable of addressing any social issue that you can’t pidgeonhole into the false dichotomies you require to parse them.

Oh come on. This guy’s a jerk (shocker) but that’s a far cry from fucking holocaust jokes. There are a lot of additional shades of grey in between these two people still (but we’re all free to dislike both of them).

I honestly don’t see the problem with the original comment. Making fun of how different groups speak relative to each other is pretty basic and harmless comedy on its own. I’ve had it happen to me. Life goes on. I wouldn’t to hear it in a workplace where things like genuine minority status or disparities of power come

Lol at *laughs in spanish* subtitle on that ARMA one. Like, it’s a different laugh.

Fastest Any% before Barrier Skip was 3:35:58.

I’m assuming he wants paid and full featured.

This is the same guy that was arrested for assaulting his girlfriend a few years ago. I think it’s pretty clear this guy is just a piece of shit, and not a reflection of the FGC.

Looking forward to the Overwatch release. Gonna practice and really get the game down, then jump right in the action with my favorite character. See you on Playstation!

sounds great. can’t wait to “shoot ‘em up” online with the boys. see you guys there!

Baal was the last boss of the game, but has any level boss in video game history been killed more than Mephisto? That poor bastard must have been killed a billion times for his glorious spoils

He has a list of the soundtrack in the YouTube description:

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

Yeah, well, That’s like....your opinion, man.

This is it. This is where we begin and end. The experience of this game will be observed by relatives and friends of the victims as an odd, disquieting disease, where their loved ones are perpetually frozen in place - yet they will be constantly plagued with new memories of experiences shared and future plans made, as

Too young for MGS1, too stupid for MGS2, you like MGS3.

This makes me miss Mass Effect 2. It’s probably the only game I’ve replayed a half dozen times. Mass Effect 2 is the gold standard for space based games if you ask me. The plot of Mass Effect 2, the mystery, working with your crew, strong female characters, things to do, etc just incredible.