
BB should get goty it’s a masterpiece!

A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue

Abrams is walking a fine line. These could be awesome shout-outs, or it could mean what we’re going to get is the Star Wars equivalent of Into Darkness.

Well aside from Metal Gear itself, Quiet and the same kind of Skulls copy-pasted all over the place, this game indeed lacked bosses. Past Metal Gear games had always a team of unique characters as bosses, with their own motivations etc. before you confront Metal Gear and the antagonist. Mgs1’s Vulcan Raven, Sniper

Eli wasn’t a boss fight, the Skulls were no more a boss fight than the encounter with Ocelot was in MGS3. You NEVER actually fight the Man on Fire.

I would really like an article about MGSV’s shortcomings as well. And how Konami tries to force the FOB on you, probably to sell you it’s insurance.

Not lazy, unfinished. It's pretty clear konami gave the make this done, or release nothing order, based on what's missing.

I’ve played all the Halo campaigns and enjoyed most of them. In general, I preferred the ones I played through in co-op, which I did for Halo 3 and Reach. The first is a classic, of course, though I suspect parts may not have aged well. There are a lot of echoes of 2 in this one in terms of character switching and a

bro, get more dps on the girlfriend before she hits enrage timer

.... I thought this suppose to make PS4 console look like an ass.. not the one you want to get.

Now playing

I was number 3 to clear it, and with some Alt strats in the last two rooms, which make it a lot easier.

As long as interesting stuff I haven’t seen before keeps happening in a game, I’ll keep putting it in there.

Sometimes, it’s about the journey.

Combining with the article from earlier about Konami’s policies regarding employees...

Going to state this again, but anyone who hasn’t visited the Destiny subreddit today really should do themselves a favor and go there. It’s fucking Gjallerhorntastic!!! Good luck on the stream, see you on the battlefield.

I liked it a lot, but also... Bloodborne...

Can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, it’s going to take a LOT to beat this.

Every company that makes PCs is now making them with Windows 10. There, I’ve neatly condensed about two dozen press releases I’ve received over the past 24 hours into one. I am a handsome sorcerer.