
I'm sorry but I rarely see Apple fanboys like the ones you described (and I frequently visit Apple related blogs and forums)... I hate them too, because other people tend to generalize and think that if someone likes Apple, it must be non-techsavy (at best), dumb or even an ignorant with too much money on his/her

1st world problem: I know all the answers... I can't use statistics to guess them :/

I find Office 2011 the best suite a student can have. If you are a student like me and your college provided you with an institutional e-mail, odds are that that e-mail is powered by office 365. Check your email address to see if you have an microsoft office subscription for free you did not know about.

I use Documents by Readdle to zip the files I want to send. But that's quite a nice app. I'm going to give it a try

It is no secret that Google is constantly "spying" on us.

I'm going to hell for this joke but: Dat magnifying glass in chrome's icon :D

Naturally. But when I need to wake up earlier than say, 8am, I usually ask my mom to call my phone. Nothing like a "Good Morning Son" by my mom instead of the alarm pre set of most phones.

The companies were not hacked in the traditional form. Yes, there is a flaw, but strong password, a second factor autenticator, not associating your credit card with any account and not linking emails together solve many problems. Or delete all my internet accounts and live in a cave. No way I can be hacked!

Although there's no replacement for the service that Kickstarter provides, this is exactly why I only use the services delivered by the "big players": Apple, Microsoft and Google because that have very little change of being successfully hit by a hacker attack.

I'm not an expert in this department but I do like appreciating some music. I gotta say I am pretty impressed with the sound quality of the new Apple headphones (30€). They sound amazing and use them all the time. They also offer some good quality low frequencies (much better than Beats by DrDre in my opinion).

I use VLC, Google Chrome and iTunes in Windows.

Nutrition wise, of course not. But my doctors always tell me that the amount of salt you need is naturally on food. In order to get food to taste better, it is healthier to use spices and herbs, especially herbs.

I've been living alone (that's right ladies, I'm all single :D) since September last year and I never had salt in my house. And it turns out I don't need it to cook - there's a whole world besides salt tempering:

Windows 8.1 is better than Windows 7. I have been struggling since last year with the new start screen and I have to say that, with this upgrade, I'm going to ditch the Start 8 (and Start Menu from Windows 7). The start screen is very customizeable, but that's not all: The way the mouse works with the Metro part has

I must disagree with you. I prefer having apps' setting away from the app because I barely use them. The idea of having all setting from all apps in a single specific app is much more efficient than having a settings tab in each app that differ from each other. But to each is own...

Seems like you need Documents by Readdle to browse your files on your iPad

Am I the only one who finds Enchange much better than imap?

Nothing like the good and old Reminders app

Mac version of the article: just use the default browser of the operative system and click "Reader"

I find renting a home much more feasible. Sure, the house is not mine, but there are a couple of advantages, specially in the long run: