you could just...go away you know? or are you getting payed to be here? hmmm...
you could just...go away you know? or are you getting payed to be here? hmmm...
Kotaku and their cancer titles....
I don’t understand all the hate... And if you do dislike something as strongly as you dislike Kotaku, Why read their articles?
You could just, oh I don’t know, not come here then or at least not waste the effort to bitch about it when it’s not going to change. Just a thought.
Or you could just stop showing up. That’s also an option
Do you shave the kiwi first.
Also, why is he wearing (what looks like) a thermal long-sleeve tshirt, with a button-down, with a jacket - and then SHORTS - to model the summer collection? Do they know what summer is? Does this guy understand weather? Why does he need 3 heavy-duty layers on top and nothing but scraps on the bottom? NOTHING MAKES…
Very pretty man model but still a hard NOPE on Abercrombie. They are a horrible company with a horrible CEO who said horrible things and they can just die already. And when they finally do give up and close all of their doors I’ll finally be able to travel the middle area of my local mall without having to hold my…
I’m old enough to have actually gone on a school field trip to an office of the phone company (Ma Bell) and seen the ranks of female phone operators assisting people. If I had said “One day people will play a game based on your workday.” they would have thought I was one insane 6 year old.
This kind of makes my point - the Navy Yard isn’t a “military facility” in the sense that a base is. It’s an administrative facility. The people working there, even if they are actually in the navy, are office workers. Their dress code is the same as the rest of D.C., which, overall, is a bit more conservative than…
For guys that have to wear suits regularly, I can totally see this. The difference between a decent suit and cheap suit is startling, and if you’re in a suit required industry, you better have good suits. On the other hand, I’m wearing BR pants that I got on sale and a Kate Spade button down I got at a consignment…
It makes for awful experiences, but great stories.
I always found it interesting how people acted so concerned over my expression of stress-related feelings while pregnant yet nobody was ever overly concerned with preventing stressful situations while I was pregnant.
Look, all I know is you should eat lots of ice cream so the baby will be sweet.
I hope pregnant women aren’t being made guilty about feeling stressed. The kind of stress that potentially causes harm to the fetus is intense and chronic and out of our control. For example, women who are pregnant in the middle of a war zone or a serious famine.....the everyday stress we all feel about jobs and…
The “paranoid” in the title makes it sound like a widespread and common thing. I’m like, ummm are my friends/family/contacts missing out on something here? Cause it’s entirely new to me. Although, I agree- Inside Out as well as Toy Story 3 for holy shit hormones cannot take this I’ll never stop crying reasons:)
The one I found most amusing was being told not to look at the eclipse back in September. Did it anyway, I’ll find out in a few weeks if I messed him up.
are you afraid she’s going to give birth spontaneously or that you’ll fuck up the fetus by accidentally swearing?
If someone tells me I shouldn’t watch L&O: SVU while I’m pregnant, I will likely lose my shit. Same with Game of Thrones.
Why are we so paranoid about what pregnant women see?