Dancin Ted Danson

Haha yep. Portland area.

It's her decision to evaluate the evidence and then decide really. She can always meet them half way and just cut her intake!

Good luck to her and both of you as well!

I am very literally reading this from my truck, sitting next to a mess of hand picked potatoes I just bought for my pregnant and potato crazy fiancé.

As a pregnant woman, can I just say that I am so goddamn sick of seeing a new study every week telling me I’m doing something wrong? This is my first pregnancy and it is scary enough without some dude in a lab discovering that I may already be a terrible mother because I ate a fucking potato for dinner.

Old school pun time.

If you haven’t played in a while, it’s worth booting up to give it a try. They’ve made it a LOT better in recent years. I’m not currently playing but I might boot it up again this season.

Does this trashcan have a flapper to help with odor control?

Does this trashcan have a flapper to help with odor control?

...says the insecure twit who feels the need to put PhD on a Kinja handle.

But you’re the type of person who puts an academic credential in a Kinja name, so the rest of us will take our grain of salt now.

Yup, definitely just like CrossFit.

Jeez, the Debbie Downer Brigade is out in force in these comments.

You know what else is important? Understanding language, rhetoric, reasoning, argument, logic, etc.

I am so sick of this bullshit prioritizing science and math over the humanities. People who can’t evaluate argument, recognize propaganda or understand history and sociology are much easier to manipulate, even if they

dont like to read do you? he adressed that fact in the immediate following paragraph

Really? You’re blaming him for writing what a different player said?

love that

Go find the nearest man and ask him to play some for you ASAP

Or should I say Declan McManus, international art thief!?!?

Like...didn’t everyone already know that it’s about Warren Beatty? Pretty sure my mom told me this eons ago.

If you really think someone coming out of the military has the world as their oyster, I really don’t think any answer I’m going to give is going to change your mind, so I’ll bow out now.