Dancin Ted Danson

Kickass soundtrack, if I recall.

Sisters are doing it for themselves.

Are you free for drinks later?

It WAS “Jane you educated prude!” But there’s still a “Jane you ignorant slut” user around here and I was confusing her followers :/

I guess I was just doing my part to support this woman in a proper DRAFT of this headline.


You can afford not to vote with your vagina when you have the money to pay for any and all possible health expenses out of pocket.

Also, I own a soap making business. This talk is literally taking money from my wallet, you filthy-legged Typhoid Mary.

If you spend any amount of time traversing our fair city you know as well as I do: you’re covered in filth and excrement.

I understand it was a strained metaphor; my fault for equating a body part to a disposable home item. I suppose my central thesis is something like this: is there anything within your house/apartment you use and scrub semi-regularly that you would instead feel AS comfortable “washing” it by a gentle cascade of soapy,

Tell ya what: Let me plunge your toothbrush into a pile of filth and excrement. Next, you can gently let soapy water cast-off from a good long hand washing over your bristles.

Take your pick. I have both as cross stitched pillows on my couch.

Sasha... I know.

I guffawed several times, but that FUD really tickled my funny bone, Internet person.

No Pharaoh?

Wait, when did I get greyed?! Kotakuuuuuu... I need this after Gawker, folks :/

“On evil-billionaire-proof Overwatch fansite Kotaku”

Retired soldier with insight into how this process works for anyone with questions.

Right? I’ll eat just about anything (extra anchovies on everything, please), but furry tough kiwi skin? No thanks.