Dick Tips
Dick Tips
The zombie-apocalypse-nerd version of a male power fantasy.
Not knowing what you look like and going by description alone, Marvel’s Hercules could be a match.
I don’t believe he has any clue how variant covers work for comic books. I honestly think he believes this is all that will be on the selves for the month instead of it being, you know, a variant.
I am just saying - there are better mediums to utilize such pictures then comic books. Personally I would never buy a comic book with such a cover. Or even think twice about even picking it up to see what it contains inside.
Not all covers a guest illustrated. I imagine the contract employees probably have certain obligations to covers that don’t include huge additional expenses. They also hired a photographer (however you feel about the quality) at a cost that isn’t normally incurred.
Yeah, this is pretty great. My only thought is that it’s actually kinda crazy nobody thought to do this sooner.
But are you a true Scotsman?!
Really cool idea to show appreciattion of their fans and cosplayers. And Im incredibly pleased by how they were pretty cool and open with their choice of body types and genders.
I just can’t get over their BS about it being ‘for men’ too. Cause clearly the problem was all the young interns clawing hungrily at 60-year old uggos.
Idk man. I carry a knife in my purse all the time.... I don’t like wave it around. If I have to walk to my car alone at night or something I just hold it enclosed in my hand. It’s great when I need to open something super handy I think. Then again I live in Kansas City, and women get beaten up in Westport just about…
Ugh, yeah we need a conservative dress code “for the women AND men”. See, this isn’t disgusting at all! We need thicker cotton suit pants to hide those delicious, flaccid 60 year old married peens from the prying eyes of those dirty, slutty 20 something ladies.
Exactly how I am. It’s why I refuse to camp. I like being in nature, but only for a short amount of time and then I need creature comforts. We spent how many years building civilization so we wouldn't have to hide our food from woodland critters and bury our poop in the woods? Why do people want to regress while they…
I think carrying around a pocket knife is perfectly normal, but more than that, nope.
Good luck! That is too outdoorsy for me though. I’d just watch Cindymoo make a fire, tell her she wins, and go get a beer. Perhaps some cheese to cut with my machete.
I will always love him for that gift. And that's hilarious. So are you making fire with flint and sparks, trying to rub sticks together, or are you allowed to bring matches into the competition?
You can call me Mindy. Just don’t call me Melinda. People only call me that when they’re pissed at me or if I am in the hospital.
But if you carry a sword, there is a reason to wear chainmail! No lie, I do own a machete that I keep in my room. My dad bought me a British WWII machete for protection after the house was broken into, since I refuse to own a gun. He’s special like that.