Dancin Ted Danson

Same here. I carry pepper spray and this thing my mom got me that I can shatter a femur with. I’d totally get along with someone who carried a sword for protection, though. Probably because I’d fear for my life if I wasn't polite, but still.

Helloooo to at least 40% of the people I served with in the Military (may their conservative hatred/paranoia one day bring them shame).

Right-wing terrorism will be one of the greatest threats we must deal with, in the coming decade. Galvanized by a neoreactionary status quo that convinces them they are under attack; enabled by outmoded and timid government policies that weaponize their paranoia; and brainwashed within echo chambers that the Internet

Um... I thought the headline said “in his prime?”

I spent a good deal of time flying around the San Diego area (Montgomery Field, Brown Field, Gillespie Field, etc), and this doesn’t surprise me one bit. There are lot of private jets from Mexico that fly into Brown - I’m assuming for Customs purposes? - and because it is so close to the border, as well as the

Maybe don’t call a place populated mostly by poor minorities and which has been reeling from the decimation of the manufacturing business and white flight ‘the butthole of America’. I take it that you drove through in your Landrover and decided the view wasn’t to your liking and you hustled home to Greenwich, CT.

I think bootlegging is super uncool.

No cigarette butts, pieces of hair... nail clippings?

This article is so awkward. It starts explaining the beginning premise of the game, which sounds pretty funny... And then doesn’t go on to explain the context of it at all, or why it matters, or what it has to do with anything else.

Trump is hardly the first idiot to yell about how everyone is jealous. He’s just the biggest one in the spotlight today.

The problem is, many people really do hate other people’s success. That’s what envy is. Narcissists like Trump use envy as an excuse to dismiss all criticism, which is obviously wrong, but denying

Are you under the impression that Donald Trump invented envy? I think you give him too much credit.

Because I’m a shill paid by Donald Trump to jump to his and other affluent male’s defense whenever someone speaks ill of them.

Great. All the past relationships I have that are worth obsessing over predate Facebook. Thanks for nothing, technology.

Shryne.com? I’m 100% certain many tech company founders just search for any available domain name they can find that sounds like a vaguely real word and then come up with an idea for a company or product around that.

It’s an implied meaning, people obviously probably aren’t going to hate success as a concept but the perceived success of others due to being jealous of not being as successful themselves. No need to get all indignant about the phrasing.

So if a cryptic story is around grimdark fantasy like Dark Souls, it’s brilliant. But because this is a cryptic story in a Thing I Don’t Like and I Know What is True Good and Righteous Always, totally different story!

Holy shit you white-washed this cast.

Spoken like a true legacy kid. I’m sure you had good qualifications; that doesn’t mean that all of your fellow legacies did. Your last paragraph is dead-on for the admissions part, but you’re ignoring that a huge amount of poor kids drop out of ivies not because they can’t keep up academically, but because they feel

There can be a correlation between a 12 year excellent education and acceptance into the most prestigious schools, but I went to a private high school with a bunch of legacy kids and they were D students who should have been Fs. And not the brilliant kind of student who is too bored to make an effort in school.

You’re sort of implying here that legacy kids are getting in because they have superior qualifications, resulting from the opportunities they’ve had in their lives. But the colleges don’t even pretend that— they are pretty open that being a legacy makes you more likely to get in, regardless of your actual