Dancin Ted Danson

I feel bad that I enjoy this story.

I was at a wedding party in Hawaii that went on for days at an opulent resort where I knew almost no one in the whole group. There was this very attractive woman who kept gravitating to me and we talked some. I thought she was interesting in a brooding way so I maybe paid more attention to her than to some others but

Heaven it pretty much is.

Frankly, I meet too many goddamn people to go around hitting on every cute person I see.

Mark Shrayber Occasionally Utilized Hyperbole in his Headlines - But What Happened Next Will Blow Your Mind....

You aren't. You are just being polite and the waitresses react to you not hitting on them by getting attracted to you.

I "work" at a golf course. Dog friendly, but the kid is out of school so I left the dog home today. The co-workers were not thrilled he was missing (and there are three other dogs here today who expected Louis as well because when he eats breakfast in my office they get nibbles).

My pug/shiba inu mix says hi. Also that he's batshit crazy.

Ugh I wish you could blame autocorrect for that idiotic nonsense. I honestly bet if autocorrect could rant it would do a better job than socal girl here.

Actually, it was my damn iPad :( I wonder if she can blame autocorrect on her awful ranting.

I can't begin to fathom the type of person who delights/relishes (or pretends to) the slings and arrows or her detractors by playing along with their valid assessment of her own pretentious and vapid comments. I'm glad you get a kick out of being so incredibly unique and outspoken! All these haters just can't bring

Ugh - first day in weeks I haven't brought my pug Louis to work and here is a pic of your cutie. *guilt ensuing*

they were awful with us about ripped pants.... We just started carrying rolls of tape, and we'd put duct tape patches on the holes in our jeans. problem solved, school dicks.

She's going to have a hard time being taken seriously when her business email is Springbreak4Eva@hotmail.com

"But don't you understand, the point of the story had nothing to do with ME and I needed to make it about me."

Sorta like people who refer to Southern California as SoCal.

You're... You're just not all that clever. Or funny. I find it sad that there's no way you look as horrible as I imagine you do in real life. But I'd like to think I'm wrong, and you appear every bit as insufferable, ugly and as terrible a person as your comments lead me to believe you are.

I would be pretty mortified if my daughter did this. Young girls just should not be making judgemental comments on the interwebs. I always get so uncomfortable when I see girls who sound like they are in middle school commenting while reading Jezebel and the like

The one time my son got coded in school it was because he had a rip in the knee of his jeans. He had gone through 3 of his 4 classes for the day (block scheduling) and none of the teachers said boo about it. He walked into the cafeteria and the campus security guard sent him to the office, where he then missed lunch