Dancin Ted Danson

Well I don’t know about NdGT, but I will be RSVPing for sure.

Open bar?

Caught a Neil deGrasse Tyson show last night, around 10 minutes of which was devoted to explaining how exciting and special news this isn’t. The moon will be appx .004 times bigger to the naked eye. Also, not all that red, apparently.

Ditto. First thought? Terrible crossover idea.

Oh god, aaaaall the stars.

PS, “still happy to bone your partner even with the weight gain” made me laaaaaaugh.

Yeah, like I said I get where you’re coming from, and I wasn’t arguing with the writer so much as just evaluating/waxing poetic about your individual thoughts. Also, I know you’re bound to get piled on here in the comments and certainly didn’t mean any offense, really. You’re awesome.

I understand your point (and I’m not arguing with you, per se), but don’t you feel that puts an incredible amount of pressure on you (and your partner)? Due to circumstances beyond her control my partner has gained around 100 lbs over a very short time span (years ago, she was in the Army and quite fit) and I’d be

Am I missing a joke up there? Draw...? What kind of gossip site is this if we can’t get the basic facts straight?

I’ve never seen it written per say. How odd.

The missus and I just started taking lessons. The first lesson is gonna cost you about $90 for about 50 minutes of flying time and if your anything like us, you’ll be hooked!

Haha, oh I hope you don’t mind my laughing over the ear bit but that is hilarious! Haha. Yeah, I also grew up without a family through my late teens (I also never made it past the 1st grade, believe it or not) and I can definitely sympathize. We both seem to have hit our stride in adulthood, at least, so I guess we

Hah, well I guess I’d like to think that, but I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised by how awful many of the soldiers are. In fact, a lot of the younger soldiers coming in straight out of high school probably face the biggest struggle. There’s no training or sergeant to tell you how to pay your bills or budget what

My partner and I have known each other for many, many years. We met in the Army (Both relatively late in life enlistees) and maybe it’s the fact that we’ve lived on our own for many years prior to teaming up, but we’re both more than capable of taking care if ourselves as are our group of friends. Where are all these

Isn’t he dating she hulk? TO THE GYM!

Well, to each their own, and all that. If I was a series regular I don’t think it would dissuade me, but that’s just me. It definitely got press, that’s for sure.

Not all covers a guest illustrated. I imagine the contract employees probably have certain obligations to covers that don’t include huge additional expenses. They also hired a photographer (however you feel about the quality) at a cost that isn’t normally incurred.

Like my father, and his father before him.

Hmm, I’m 6’3”. Don’t think I could pull it off.

I have the balding pattern and physique to KILL a greased up Scotsmen routine. How have I never thought of this before?