Dancin Ted Danson

Really? This is your thought process? It’s cheaper... Your joking, right?

Please tell me there’s a “Bearded & Unemployed” series I’m unaware of somewhere in the canon that I can apply my well groomed visage to.

Hey! I said 97%! there’s some wiggle room in there for the good ones/boy scouts. hah!

Hah! I actually replied to another post that I should have specified “men” with knives, haha. It’s funny and worth looking for. I’ll wait.

Ugh, yeah we need a conservative dress code “for the women AND men”. See, this isn’t disgusting at all! We need thicker cotton suit pants to hide those delicious, flaccid 60 year old married peens from the prying eyes of those dirty, slutty 20 something ladies.

It’s never the pocket utility knife people who are the problem. I know a lot of boy/Girl Scouts that don’t leave home without it! It’s always the shifty eyed Bowie knife wielding jackhole I have to approach at my business and tell him he “can’t sharpen his knife here. Why? Because it’s a restaurant and you ordered a

Haha, that post proves YOU as the true winner. We like the idea of the outdoors more than we actually enjoy it, I think. We have fun, but halfway through the adventure I’m out of beer and it's not where our tv and books is. So eff that.

A machete or knife and that’s it! Only what’s available in our backyard... So, the tv/internet tells me I need to make a now drills (rubbing wood together to create a coal). So I’ll need to make some kind of cordage out there from of vines or somethin’... We’ll see

1st, awesome dad. 2nd, (and last comment, I swear) but my fiancé bought us a machete last week and I completely forgot about it, haha.

I should rephrase my original statement as “most men”, as the majority of women I’ve met have been intelligent enough to carry one responsibly and without the need to a. Play with it b. “exercise their right” to brandish it without cause c. Use it’s presence to intimidate “street toughs” d. All of the above.

Hey Mark! Wanna come over here and help me pelt the GOP national headquarters with a few boxes of these suckers?!

This horrible *sshole aside, I would say carrying around knives (on the every day, aside from work or camping or some such) is a pretty guaranteed way of identifying people I’ll hate. Like, I’d say with 97% certainty.

Helloooo to at least 40% of the people I served with in the Military (may their conservative hatred/paranoia one day bring them shame).

Ha! Friends (and my fiancés bestie) in the hospital with the baby.

Some items are reserved for my serial killer crawl space, of course.

Yeah, I’ll take my shoebox full of mix tapes/CDs and concert ticket stubs like ever other nostalgic red blooded middle class American, thank-you-very-much.

Hey, FYI: I’ve worked in food all my life and yes, I can second the “dolphin” nickname for mahi mahi. I have no idea how it started but we have a shitload of confused tourists out there.
