Dancin Ted Danson

Hey Mark! Wanna come over here and help me pelt the GOP national headquarters with a few boxes of these suckers?!

This horrible *sshole aside, I would say carrying around knives (on the every day, aside from work or camping or some such) is a pretty guaranteed way of identifying people I’ll hate. Like, I’d say with 97% certainty.

Helloooo to at least 40% of the people I served with in the Military (may their conservative hatred/paranoia one day bring them shame).

Ha! Friends (and my fiancés bestie) in the hospital with the baby.

Some items are reserved for my serial killer crawl space, of course.

Yeah, I’ll take my shoebox full of mix tapes/CDs and concert ticket stubs like ever other nostalgic red blooded middle class American, thank-you-very-much.

Hey, FYI: I’ve worked in food all my life and yes, I can second the “dolphin” nickname for mahi mahi. I have no idea how it started but we have a shitload of confused tourists out there.


All dogs can do that? My perpetually unhappy pug would like to have a word with you.

True story: in my early teens I had a fondness for Stepping Out and was utterly convinced for a time that it was Ben Folds Five song.

For me, the lesson isn’t “be less murdery” as much as don’t assist documentaries AFTER the murderings.

First thought: "$350 for a power vehicle? Not bad. Actually, fairly cheap. Cheaper than I was expecting"

"He has... brake fluid. Bran fluid. Bran... Flavor. Brain fever!

Wha... What...?

Exactly! Like reading online product reviews. First, you have to dismiss the unrelated-to-product "it took two weeks to get here!" Or "USPS lost my package" foolishness, as well as most the one star reviews, as they're generally useless: "broke after I dropped it into my hot tub".

No. This is a shitshow: So after the parents left last night we indulged in some adult drinks and card games (though truthfully, I had been drinking since roughly noonish) and continued to party into the wee hours. After making sure everybody got home safe and our guests had everything they needed in our spare rooms

"I've just never heard it anecdotally"

A very serious partner I was with for many years bore a striking resemblence. Also, a lovely and incredible woman in her own right. People would often ask me what she looked like while we lived through a long distance relationship and I'd reply: "almost exactly like a young Ruth Bader Ginsburg".

Kelly, thanks for recommending my question/getting it answered. There are VERY few people in this world who could cause me to melt into crazy fandom related insanity.... But LeVar is one of them; I'm calling the day early sitting on the porch with a smile for the rest of the day.

Thank you for answering Mr. Burton. Huge fan of all your work (and taste in food/beer via twitter), thank you so much for everything you do. I wish I had more to give to Reading Rainbow!