Dancin Ted Danson

Growing up illiterate until my teenage years and bearing the shame associated with it was a very difficult part of my childhood. Subsequently, I volunteer as much as I can with underprivileged youth in my community and it has provided me with an immense sense of purpose and fulfillment. Can you remember the original

Very true story: I have zero allergy to poison ivy! Plan: rub myself silly in the leaves and walk arms spread through subway cars.

Wander back to your chemtrail forum, friends you will find no peace here.

This is right up there with "my grandma smoked a pack a day and lived to be 98! Cigarettes aren't bad for ya!".

I diiiied

This is right up there with "my grandma smoked a pack a day and lived to be 98! Cigarettes aren't bad for ya!".


Oh god.... You're in the house, aren't you...?

Yea, it's crazy! A lot of people think bacteria = food poisoning = horrible pukey sickness; when in reality higher than acceptable bacteria levels in food can cause upset stomach/slight bowel issues without anything as severe as food poisoning/salmonella poisoning and the like.

I remember staring at the Velveeta Killet box in the store and thinking "nobody will know... It'll be our little secret... buuuuuy meeee".

I make my own beer, with our forces combined...!

Not gonna lie, I'm a sucker for the cheap stuff to. As a retired chef that's painful for me to admit.

I read that as "he is a manly* eating like a vegetarian" and struggled with your meaning for a bit, haha.

If I remember correctly, he grew up in a very modern, progressive well to do Christian area of the capital; as he described "a much less divided region than today".

it truly is a matter of "not knowing whereto start". These stories typically come out organically in reference or inspired by something, ya know?

I used to work with an old Lebanese man named Melham, who despite knowing how liberal and accepting I am made it a point to work into conversation with me as much as possible the fact that he wasn't Muslim. "Cat Stevens! Very talented man, Ted! Powerful musician.... And he became Muslim? Why? So foolish! I'm Christian

I don't.... I don't even know where to start. Haha. So many. Are you working any particular themes?

Leave all the soup to me; I will eat/drink all the soup.

There must be a lot of people out there with sporting a tiny stomach to weigh out my side of this statistic. Give me all the trenta's; I will drink them all at once.

Pinkham, I really enjoy your posts (this series, especially) but I have to admit the stories the people sometimes submit... Are mild in comparison to the day-to-day dealings I had in the industry; also, just about all the old coworkers I'm comfortable speaking for. I feel we've yet to tap into the full potential here.