Dancin Ted Danson

This dog pleases me, and as a benevolent pug owner, I will allow it to stay.

I went to snap a better photo for you, but when the girls are snuggling it's impossible to wake them.

Go away Mark, this site is my personal pug posting area:

Right. They are underfunded and shamefully managed. I could argue that's exactly why I fell through the cracks, myself.

first, all I said in my original comment is that the kids deserve a chance at an education. We can argue about the merits of the foster system vs homelessness all you want, but it's a separate issue than what we started with.

yes, and yes.

Peter, I work with under privileged children now largely in part to the fact that my parents (educated, charming white parents with nothing to fear) pulled me from the first week of the 2nd grade. I remained illiterate until roughly the age of 13 (I say roughly because I know I was a teenager, but my timeline for most

Thank you, and "caught"? They successfully cheated the system. In the eyes of the government what's done is done. I suppose I could take them to civil court? But there would be little satisfaction for me there.

Personally, I don't agree with how this case was handled, but the point of the sentence/fines is to compel the mother to ensure her children receive an education.

It will if they become wards of the state and are allowed to attend school on a regular basis.

they'll have a better chance at getting some form of education.

As a child who was pulled from the 2nd grade by unstable parents, and subsequently remained illiterate until the age of 13, I can testify that regardless of what happened to this woman (which is appalling) these laws are in place for a reason.

Maybe it would have motivated my parents to keep me in school, instead of pulling me from the first week of 2nd grade. I received literally zero education. Not only was I failed by my parents but also by the system and those that are supposed to enforce the laws the protect me as a child.

Amen, that's my cue to exit.

Jesus, looks like someone has FINALLY gotten around to watching my youtube videos.

I laughed out loud over your sister. Yeah, I've been with partners who have similar sleeping habits/issues. It's problematic for me not so much for the inconvenience, but because being close physically definitely benefits me emotionally in the relationship. And living together with those people seems like a constant

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that fanny has something to do with the vulva area?

If things don't work out between you two, be sure to send me a message.

Glamour Shots by Ted™

whichever one means "butt" to you :)