i live in north texas which is firmly established shiner country. the only shiner i will recommend people try is ruby red, which is stupid easy to drink when it's 105 degrees out.
i live in north texas which is firmly established shiner country. the only shiner i will recommend people try is ruby red, which is stupid easy to drink when it's 105 degrees out.
Yeah, hard to feel comfortable with anyone who needs more than one sentence to explain his philosophy on domestic abuse.
Yes! But not because of that.
Replying to say bravo to your name. It is perfection!
I don't see chicken shit on the ingredient list.
I put chipotle pepper in my chicken salad. The spicy/smokiness of the pepper nicely compliments the creaminess of the salad.
The bigger question is whether an MRA outbreak will end Stephen A. Smith's career.
The Buccaneers and Carl Nicks are "mutually" parting ways, and according to the press release, which quotes Nicks…
AND there's a typo. How's that for a Friday send off. Shots of floor wax are on me tonight, boys!
I have just been hiding in my office instead.
Actually, the one kernel of reason buried amid the mountain of turd is that prevention is key. ...But, that's the kernel of reason beneath the turd of all victim-blaming.
I talk about all the time making sure that my daughter is never leaving the house. But this raises, other, important issues. That is, there may be more pernicious forces at work even within ones' own walls; scary, horrible awful things that cannot be undone. More specifically, I don't want her to emotionally scarred…
Fuck these two. Just...like...WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PIECES OF SHIT?!?!
You're damn right they're serving peaches you fuckin' cocksucker.
The "Not Rape" titty shot is classy and does not scream "I am desperate for attention" at all.
"I don't know who this dude is but he's serving me Fritz-from-Swiss-Family-Robinsonrealness and I am riding a fucking ostrich into the past POSTHASTE."
Here we have Reg Park from 'Hercules And The Captive Women". Maybe not as popular as your Alan Steele or Steve Reeves, but how can you not include a movie that has a real line of dialogue "Today is dedicated to Uranus."?
Hear hear! I posit her sheer existence is implied consent to that digital greeting!
You will be pleased to learn that I didn't get paid at all! This was cross-posted from Jezebel's open forum for employees!
Can we all agree, that between homosexuals, Chris Kluwe, the Vikings, Jerry Sandusky and his victims, the real victims here, are all of us that have to endure Mike Florio having a source with blazing hot takes?