Your coworker:
Your coworker:
Also, Darren Rovell.
This is why I campaign vigorously to make the terrific documentary "Man vs. Nature: The Road to Victory" mandatory viewing for all school children. It's full of useful info, and features a great host, whom you might remember from such other documentaries as "Earwigs, Ew" and "Birds: Our Fine, Feathered Colleagues."
What kind of IPA were you drinking? Specificity is the soul of narrative.
Excellent. Let us celebrate our new arrangement with the adding of lime to bourbon and soda.
I reckon there's a typo in that first line, although any cocktail recipe that features 15 oz. of gin definitely has my attention. "Here's MY Pink Lady recipe, boyos. Tonight, we get WEIRD."
Dammit, Minderbinder, you beat me to it.
Which is appropriate in Wisconsis.
And is Wisconsin, you also enjoy a brandy Manhattan.
If only there were a website that would provide such information, or a means of quickly and easily searching for websites that do so (or claim to do so). Alas, no such facility exists.
+1 CTE
Excellent work. I'd amend your list of history's most famous people to include Queen Victoria, who was reasonably well-known during the decades when she ruled 25% of the world's landmass.
Some unexpected punch, yes. And he closes so quickly that anyone not keeping his head on a swivel is likely to get blindsided.
DAMMIT. What an omission.
Oh, well, at least I'm part of a long and storied tradition of bollocksing-up an attempt to sort out the Irelands.
Irelands, Ranked (with apologies to Albert Burneko):
1. Republic of
2. Northern
3. Baldwin
4. Kingdom of [Tudor]
5. (tie) Lyrics and music by Garth Brooks, from the album "Fresh Horses"
5. (tie) Getting hit by a car on the backroads of
7. Jeff
"You shut your whore mouth!
I mean, you are a...you know...aren't you?"
- Jeff Ireland
Indeed! When confronted with her quote, which was both stupid and repugnant, I immediately sought refuge in this digital salon for the sagacious and jovial, for reasons that should be clear to anyone.
Now, if you'll turn your attention to the stove, you'll find a pot of paint should have reached a rolling boil. Pour us…
Bah, today's owners are principally concerned with TV. A reasonable assessment of the Titans' administration can only conclude that its works are very much in progress.
"Albert Burneko is off."
- A cannibal with a taste for writers and a defective refrigerator.