
That's going to be an awkward conversation. Tell you what: I'll tell your husband if you'll tell my wife. It'll spare us the discomfort, and this is already so next-level-insane that it won't seem any more bizarre coming from a total stranger.

Am I misreading, or does one of these people have a grandson who's eighteen feet tall?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I'll have you the know Diarrheas are a proud family with a tradition of duty that flows throughout history, having exploded onto the scene before humans could stand upright.


The Dark Crystal.

I love the idea of a defense haranguing a quarterback into a prolonged scramble, as Miami did to Doug Flutie in this account.
"The defense has been excoriating me and enumerating my many faults for too long! I'm outta here!" /takes off running

Not unreasonable. I'd hold this nomination because I suspect that this particular feature in the theater of the absurd has one more act to run.

I don't know if this is necessarily the right year, but I'd argue for some recognition of Deadspin's fine efforts keeping me updated on Mario Balotelli's many thing-doings. Thing-doings, yes.

If Cam Newton had chased the officials into the tunnel, screaming obscenities, after a loss, we would never hear the end of pious judgment and sanctimonious invective. There aren't enough fainting couches and smelling salts in the world for all the sportswriters who would swoon away at the very mention of it, nor room

That is the...CORRECT answer. You win the challenge and with it the match! Congratulations! Thank you for playing, and thanks to our audience for tuning in. We hope you enjoyed the program and will join us again next week at the same time here on Radio 4.

Alright, thanks for your submission. I don't have too many notes for you; you obviously worked really hard on this, and we appreciate your effort. I just don't think Deadspin is the right venue for you. I know that's tough to hear, but...are you okay? Here, have a tissue, and can someone get our friend here a glass of

Please, please, it was probably just Shakespeare Night and the gentleman in question was vowing to firk her without a condom and clepe in her cubicolo. Blackguardly behavior, certainly, but don't let's lose our heads.

Only to the extent that blindly agreeing with racist dog-whistles and, in the process, denying yourself the pleasure of some good basketball is bad. Othewrise, you're sound as a pound.

The lesson I take from this is that I do not cut enough things with a sword. I have no confections in the house, but I do have a block of cheap cheese, a katana, a rising appetite, and a phone with the digits "9-1" already dialed. Wish me luck.

"Drug attic" indeed. Excellent work.


I like my coffee like I like my Johnny Walker - urban.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: the only explanation for the management of the Minnesota Vikings is that the organization is not actually a sports team at all, but a vast and brazen criminal conspiracy designed to defraud the citizens of Minnesota. It's the only explanation for building a

Somewhere, the disappointed and heartbroken pair Jason Whitlock and Jeff George are taking it in turns to weep and gnash their teeth while the other gently hugs them.