
Samer, I thought you hated barstool sports?

“But fear not, white supremacists, Republicans, and #MAGA fans”

i know im an idiot but i understand like fuckin beyblade better than i understood the first half of this article. god bless samer

This is a bunch of libturd cuck nonsense. There is no division within the Trump administration. Everyone is singularly focused on Making America Great again, and the fakenews PC narrative can’t handle it. Look, here Kushner (left) and Bannon (guess) are at a recent #MAGA rally, does this look like a sign of

Wait until Sessions finds out that Cubans have invaded Miami and Trump finds that they don’t speak fluent English.

Yeah it’s almost like people don’t know that 15 of the 19 [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] who flew [REDACTED] into [REDACTED] were from [REDACTED].

Nearly half of the country voted for him.

I mean, considering every one of his defining proposals is at least crypto-racist, I feel pretty comfortable declaring all his supporters are perfectly cool with racism.

You’re right. Some of them were just really tolerant of racism, as long as it wasn’t against them.

Hot take: If the residual heat is enough to melt your cheese, you aren’t using enough cheese.

The only good thing about no basketball in Seattle since 2008 - S.A.S. pretty much only enters my consciousness when scrolling Deadspin.

Same here. I didn’t notice that little shit Rubio until about the 7th or 8th time through. As a fellow Floridian, the urge to besmirch him here was instantaneous. How on earth did this pint-sized suck up get where he is? One fucking word, money! Biography embellishing, vacillating, lying (Cheeto has ruined this word),

Did you watch the feed the hour prior to the final vote? Poor little Marco was wandering around, either by himself, or at the very edge of various groups pretending like he was part of the conversation. I got the feeling that everybody in the Senate dislikes him. As a Floridian, I can fully support that attitude.

Becauase Americans, by and large, view poor people and sick people as results of poor decision making. “You’re poor because you don’t work hard enough.” “You’re sick because you don’t take care of yourself.” Blaming others for their hardships alleviates any need for compassion for them.

Well, they had a few days of deliberation. He told them he wouldn’t vote on the bill as it was, right off the bat, because it was awful legislation. He voted to allow more discussion. They had the chance to change it or propose a real healthcare bill. They didn’t, so he put them in the McCain Stunner.

Oh Marco! I’m catching the vapors!!! /southernbelle accent

rofl thanks for pointing that out. missed that even after watching this clip 10 times.

Most elected officials won’t go on the record supporting it, but most (or at least a large proportion) of civilians on the left support it. The average American probably has been fed so many lies about how it works, though, that they are against it because they think it will double there tax bill and mean they’d have

Coincidentally, getting hit by a car is the only GOP-approved version of healthcare that their entire caucus could pass.

Trump failed at casinos, football, steaks, and alcohol...in America.