
Westbrook: Me or the D-League. Up to you.

Not sure what the dust-up is all about. My wife and I have long used Texas Bacon Egg & Cheese Melt as a safe word.

Even in his day he was a cras bastard.

Tip, meet iceberg.

How can you make such rash judgements of Mr. Trump? Absurd. People with intelligence issues don’t make statements like this:

Plus, yes-men/women who are too enamored with clinging around his power/wealth than to actually tell him what a fucking idiot he sounds like.

Yayyyy... Pence ! Oh shit!

Can’t agree. He’s only realizing that his decisions affect elite wealthy, CEO’s, Russian officials, and him.

Ya know, I’m not trying to shoot you down. I just know that there are armed conflicts raging across Europe, Asia, Mexico and especially Africa. I’m not really interested in determining which era is more violent. The world is full of violence. How many people right here in ‘Murcia tune into that UFC garbage? How many

Actually the world is a horrifically violent place. Probably should unbookmark that Good News Network thing you click on.

It appears to be a water table, as evidenced by their outstretched arms. Royalty doesn’t stand there looking middle class with water bottles in their hands like douchey Americans do, so certain they are more healthy than you. If that is the case, water stops in road races are frenetic. Non-runners frequently will be

Really don’t try to offer an explanation to this asshole as he hates you. He hates cyclists. You are a cyclist. And his only solution, as a selfish asshole, is to have no bicycles on the roads. These clueless fucking idiots are everywhere. You will not enlighten him in any form. You are much better off to take 110%

Just another SELFISH asshole.

Too soon asshole. Way too soon. Fuck you.

You really have no idea what you are talking about. Zip.

Because you could triple your salary and still be a middle class schmoe.

Contradictory: great sports movie.

My Indiana coworker firmly believes that “God has a plan for America.” Swears he’s not racist. Scorns all the non-working minority’s we see in the community but really doesn’t have any issue with all the non-working white trash we see.

I don’t trust people who can’t laugh loudly. Has anyone ever heard Trump bellow laughter?

Who are the dimwit gold diggers with Ted and Kid?