
Great story. He was obviously very motivated. Ultra-marathoning often becomes completely consuming and turns people lives upside down. It started to happen to me but I was fortunate enough to recognize that Ultra-running was making my life wildly lopsided. It’s very common.

I have a somewhat respectable ultra-marathon resume and I will gladly tell you that Barkley is a giant load of horse shit. If you are attracted to it, more power to you, have a great “race.” But don’t try to tell me it’s anything more than a disorganized cluster-fuck.

Further, “smart people” would never EVER come to a conversation with some imagined bullshit about 95%. You go on and keep believing gullible guy. You’ve been programmed by parents, society, and churches to think you have to believe all the bullshit they sell. This makes you a fucking idiot.

Smart people in this conversation on both sides...... HOLD IT sky fairy guy. This is where you are completely full of shit.

I’ve been saying this for weeks.

He has a Pall Mall 100 in his right hand, wrist bent sharply. Lil Weasel.

Lacking the courage and self-awareness to once and for all stand up and tell those that indoctrinated you into this bullshit that you don’t buy their bullshit any longer. It’s 2017 stone tablet guy. On behalf of educated (theology degrees aren’t real, shut it) people who have the courage to ask real questions and

Now why ya wanna go and be like that blood clot?

An opinionated, Stanford grad black man playing in Green Bay would go over with that fanbase about as well as salads, cardio workouts and a realistic understanding of corporate ownership structure. 

Well my son has turned me on to brand new stuff by GRIZ that certainly has the dubstep sound mixed heavily into it. GRIZ is on fire. You telling me that isn’t dubstep?

Checkmate mitherfucker.

Staying active and participating in healthy exercise is a completely different story than being a professional athlete. Who said anything about pros? It’s about getting off the F-ing couch. You seem to think there is some magical tipping point which is bullshit. We all slow down, yes. But to say that we suddenly can


It’s has diminished so much because it was done over and over and over for decades. It has largely run it’s course.

Maybe you could explain to me what the hell sounds good about Dubstep?

Oh yeah, the Kaja GooGoo and Dexy’s Midnight Runners were just incredible.


The Seminole Casino here in south Florida 1) charges stupid prices for shows, 2) is a venue that is a horrible fucking basketball arena with neck bending seats, and 3) fills the place with people who will swallow any musical bullshit you feed them. Concerts are so god damn hit-or-miss that it’s really just a crap

You’re letting these format free wussified stations that play anything that appeared on pop charts cloud your judgement.

My wife and I have a woman acquaintance who refers to her mom as “mother” in all instances and we find it just plain strange.