
I thought this was a sport’s site?

Millennial much? You did SIGN a document agreeing to adhere to the rules. the same rules that you find inconvenient. No doubt you printed your signature.

Does complaining about a neighbor parking his giant flat-bed tow-truck in our residential community qualify me for hell? Cause I’ll burn in hell to take this shit-bag down.

This is a sad commentary on our collective state of health.

Yankees games, Giant’s games, fag football and softball? Price gouging sports events and helplessly soft sports. You got it goin’ on man.

Never say “day-drinking” again.” Just stop.

Doing what?

You don’t understand it because you can’t afford it. Simple.

Mounted French Quarter cop: Oh please, come bigger or just stay home.

Just swing by any old Trump rally and they’ll all be gathered around.

Shut down the internet! You own it.

+666 stars young man.

Tell this to his mother you fuck.

The middle-class Republicans have all been duped. They think that rich Republican lawmakers give a shit about them. It’s fucking hilarious.

Peel away all the layers and bullshit and you have a bunch of selfish motherfuckers.

Hear ye!

I’ve thought about it a lot. Trying to narrow it down to it’s simplest form; identify what exactly glues conservatives together. Selfish motherfuckers. All of them.

Oh shut it.

I’m shocked that the celebratory dry hump shown in the stands hasn’t been posted.

The Trump propaganda machine is churning along so strongly that I doubt any followers of the egocentric game show host will EVER come to grips with reality.