A cameo by Boyd Tinsley, nice.
A cameo by Boyd Tinsley, nice.
Yes I am a troglodyte. I only linked to check the rack.
I’m all for raising awareness for important issues. And while the NFL’s contribution to breast cancer makes them look like boobs, they cannot allow their players to crusade with personal choice uniforms. Over time it would spiral out of control. There are much better avenues to raise money and awareness, not the…
Hooray football! This is a great example of why the NFL is nothing more than a sideshow to me. Did any of the broadcast team manage to capture it on their Windows Surface Tablet? Fuck you NFL. You, your endless barrage of marketing, and your Neanderthal fans.
It’s not the suit, it’s that stupid fucking hat. but yeah, it looks good on him.
Their budget numbers and profits are all a bunch of contrived lies. Keep watching.
Everything about that show is a complete crock of shit, as is all HGTV programming. ITS FUCKING SCRIPTED!! Oh wait, Hillary has a budget crisis? Shut the fuck up. Formulaic “reality” tv is NOT reality. It’s amazing the amount of horseshit that the general tv viewing public will swallow.
Having no dog in this fight, I’d like to point out that you have a giant stick up your ass cliche guy.
I do both, voraciously. You sir, are full of shit. Both have their pluses and minuses. I will say that compared to cycling, running feels like you’re standing around.
All kinds of gorgeous? I guess if you find horrible black dyed hair gorgeous she is your gal. Plus the mouth agape tends to signal low IQ. Have at her man. I’m going with a total threesome IQ of around 320.
Everybody fucking reclines. Who are these pussies and why haven’t they been slapped like the little bitches they are. Is this what Adequate Man is? A bunch of stiff ass wimps crying over recliners?
Just fucking outstanding.
“Cave someone’s face in.” This is the crux of the entire piece of shit UFC biscuit. The competitors are fucking idiots. The fans are even bigger fucking idiots. Yeah, you.
You’re all a bunch of knuckle dragging fucking idiots.
A snapshot of why y0u can ram your futbol up your ass. I tried really hard to “get it” and watch soccer. Everytime I witnessed one of those skinny euros writhing in fake pain, I dove for the remote.
Who fucking cares.
Mobile sucks. Mobile can bite my ass. Mobile is an abomination. How about putting something in the OS that blocks shitty fucking mobile?
This kid is so fucked.
During the Redskins/Dolphins broadcast Olivier Vernon was writhing in pain on the field when CBS went to split screen and showed another player doing an Irish jig celebration dance.