little nitpick (though potentially bigger implications?): If it’s being built in UE wouldn’t it be a remake? Especially when you consider that they’re going to be making some new assets.
little nitpick (though potentially bigger implications?): If it’s being built in UE wouldn’t it be a remake? Especially when you consider that they’re going to be making some new assets.
Interesting that they’re changing the look. Wish the original versions would be included in re-releases like this. I love Grand Theft Auto III sincerely and with all my heart. First open-world game I ever played, but I was realllllllly late to the game and must have first played it in, like, 2012.
This video is an absolutely terrible way to understand the series. It’s factually just plain wrong about many things and is not like it’s trying to be funny.
I mean does she HAVE to have the moll accent? We have had only one version of Harley for years now. I don’t think its the end of the world to put a different spin on her vocally.
Harley will always be Arleen Sorkin for me, no one else. Definitely not the Power Puff Girl Bubbles doing a Harley impression.
And then we saw the first shot of him in the trailer and everyone shut up. We see the first shot of Leto in the trailer and everyone ... keeps on saying things ...
Definitely not feeling the Leto Joker take. I strongly dislike the aesthetic design and his voice wasn’t capturing the magic at all.
Still not sure about this version of the Joker. Comes across too much like some kind of mob boss than the insane ‘Clown Prince’ that the Joker actually is.
I’ve gone from having no interest in the film to actually being pretty excited really quickly... looks great. Batman v Superman doing nothing for me but this looks like it might actually have SOME AMOUNT OF FUN IN IT, DC.
-Super is supposed to override some of the decisions in GT, but the showrunners have kept the more boring rendition of Gohan intact so far. Boo.
I love that the series is going back to its roots as a comedy series, but still lament that nullification of SSJ4. It was my favorite transformation.
Errr, the thing about wood frame houses is total crap. I guess none of these people live in the Western United States. Out here in Colorado we have numerous old log cabins and wooden houses left over from the early 1800s. Admittedly you wouldn’t want to live in some of them, but they are definitely still standing. Old…
For the most part they love New Vegas though. Besides the fact that Bethsoft didn’t do QA for it, so it was super buggy, it was a far better game than 3.
That’s why I said skimpy and not nude.
Honestly, most have? GTAV worked fine, for example.
MGS Ground Zeroes on PC is a goddamned miracle of optimization. Probably the best PC port I have played in years. And it bodes well for MGS V.
Before Watch Dogs was released I was REALLY hoping that it would be Assassin’s Creed in the present day, or you know the people you play but in their own time outside of that magic chamber they go “back in time” with.
“Gawker hires Lois Lane”
I’m glad you guys can poke fun at yourselves.