Hate this vision that is so common.
Hate this vision that is so common.
Oh, I remember man. It was 5 years. It’s been eight since GTA V.
My comment is a year and a half old. Are you really that butthurt?
Nice job, replying to an 11 year old comment. Oh, and I am by no means a part of your shit country.
Playing it only on consoles, I never even knew it had an FPS mode until recently.
Because I don’t like installing several programs that do the exact same thing on my computer. And because fuck EA.
Don't get me started on Ghosts'N Goblins
Megaman 2 kicks my ass to this day. That goddamn lava stage.
They haven't even played Megaman 9 or 10? This saddens me. I'm far from Megaman's generation, but even I have played through those and the masterpiece that is 2.
How dare they use the theme from Amelie Poulain?!?
That frustrated the shit out of me. Not only do I have to kill innocent Fireflies, but I also have to kill the doctor for no 'effin reason.
I get the same feeling, it doesn't look bad. There's just something weird about him... Can't quite put my finger on it, but he doesn't look like the same Drake from U2 and U3 for some reason.
Indeed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The fuck? The Deathclaws tore my ass apart in Broken Steel.
You shouldn't play a game labeled as survival horror if you don't wanna get tense, mate.
People who think he didn't get enough screentime apparently never watched the japanese Godzilla movies, where he showed up even less often.
Do european accounts get this, too?
Well you can go fuck off with your shitty opinion, okay?