From the video it looked as if his right rear tire might have been about 1.5 psi off. Tough break, bro. Better use a digital gauge next time.
Nonsense. The police should investigate with or without his cooperation. Otherwise criminals are free to intimidate or pay off their victims to avoid prosecution.
I think the UK is like Canada, where the Crown is the one who decides if charges are to be pressed or not. Removes the individual from the equation.
I believe the Crown can press charges if they feel inclined, regardless of whether Oisin would like them too.
That’s my take on this whole thing. It sucks because I love Top Gear and enjoy watching Clarkson in particular, but what he did is impossible to defend. I think everyone wishes things had gone differently that day.
they have find him and suspended him in the past and he still effed up, blame Clarkson for being an idiot rather than "outrage" culture. The outrage are the idiots coming out of the woods trying to come up with excuses for punching a co-worker
This isn't a product of 'outrage culture'. It's a product of him punching a coworker, which is likely to get you sacked no matter who you are or what you bring to the organization. Nobody wants to work for/with a person who thinks violence is an acceptable option for conflict resolution.
Outrage culture? Stop being a fucking dumbass. When you get into a brawl with a co-worker, send that person to the hospital, then get your ass fired, it's not because of "outrage culture"
You hit someone, you're fired. I wish more people understood that. If I deck someone at my office, I expect to be 1.) arrested, and 2.) fired.
If they can afford Spacey and House of Cards, they'll be able to pay for Clarkson. Also, I read that Netflix received a boost in cash to produce more original programming.
This is how I imagine every CR-V driver's gas station visit goes. Every single time.
Official Portrait and Unofficial Most Spectacular OkCupid Profile Pic Ever.
Dear Squids,
My girlfriend told me she found the Scientology church or center or whatever that takes you in for your "personality test" and shit. We start joking around about it and I told her "I would leave you if you ever became a scientologist. That would be it, its over, nothing else about the relationship would matter." She…
D-Air airbag system is too long. I propose we simply call it the D-Bag system, as that is what it will save bikers from.