
For such commenters as them was this image given to us:

IT IS TIME, Death said.

Is he packing a Fat Man or a Little Boy?

(Oppenheimer pulls his pants down)

13. Raiders is the only good one

Where the hell is Romancing the Stone (and its sequel)? As far as Indy imitators go, it’s not only the first out of the gate, but it was also very influential in its own right. Half the adventure movies on this list steals its its romance dynamic.

Give it to me now!

I came here specifically to say that not only CAN someone else play The Flash someone else HAS DONE SO as recently as last week.

Two words: Grant Gustin

(Mind, I’ll note that he’s clearly ready to move on from the role, which is fair enough after a decade in it)

How very dare you people. You left out the best one.

Dracula canonically never added lemon juice and the pips in a muslin bag to his strawberry jams. No pectin. Terrible set on them. More just a fruit syrup than a jam.

I look at you all, see the love there that’s sleeping 

I imagine the taxes in Springfield are through the roof to pay for all the ridiculous things the town has done.

I always thought it was odd he lived in that dream house, with a beautiful wife, a son who owns a factory and lobster for dinner.. Meanwhile I live in a single room over a bowling alley and under another bowling alley.

What, no “Murder, She Wrote”/“Magnum P.I.”?

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die

You’d think once they came out with ED meds, 40+yo men’s fascination with brandishing large guns would have eased up.


How do you think he feels?

“Uhhh... Nice truck, sorry about your dick.”