
Not the only doctor who joined in!

2. Since when are archaelogists scientists ... /jk

hi everyone just wanted to apologize for my utter lack of pop culture knowledge

I read somewhere (the guardian maybe?) that between 10-15% of all scientists’ salaries in the UK are funded by EU grants. Brexit will lead to a brain drain in the UK.

i agree...perhaps someday we can harness that ability to clean up oil spills or chemical dumps. All hail the giant ship worm!

Because they studied these worms, we now know some very interesting info that we didn’t before. Also, it may become useful at some point -- a strain of bacteria that can process a noxious gas into carbon has got to have potential.

They could be delicious, or have important medical value. Their shells could lead to new designs in material science or their bodies to new cosmetics or dyes. There could be something crazy in their genome that is of interest to us, all sorts of reasons to at least study them and see what makes them tick.

Sooo they found a mini Sarlacc? On a serious note though stuff like this is fascinating.

This Andorian is Thy’lek Shran, but yes he was Weyoun on DS9

“Where did it go?”

Yeah, I know. This is heavy.

If they were going to leave this bug in, the least they could’ve done was make sure that the tire tracks are on fire when it happens.

Great Scott!

Sometimes, photoshop seems like a gift from god..

don’t let them hide behind a name like “the alt-right”

It turns out that the most fictional aspect of the MCU is that the senator who whispered “Hail Hydra” was arrested at the end of The Winter Soldier instead of winning the electoral college.

Another detail that I found fairly chilling which was pointed out, and is totally the hallmark of an authoritarian Hydra - NOBODY HAS SMARTPHONES. They’re all reading newspapers, which means Hydra has a stranglehold on WHERE people are getting their information from, and is able to ensure the only surveillance is

I can’t wait to see their version of The Lone Gunmen! (probably three kindergarten friends investigating the boogeyman and the tooth fairy)

As a German teacher who has shown numerous videos of Alexander Gerst and Sendung mit der Maus in class, and tries to convey to students how awesome Star Trek and space exploration are, I finally have the Best of Both Worlds - Something that I can use to completely ruin vastly improve my student’s lives.

Today is a good day to count to drei.