
The Nightcrawler may be less confusing if you didn’t call Cyborg Cyclops lol

Aquaman looks like a badass.

I’m under the assumption that Snyder is deathly allergic to color, humor, happiness, or sticking to the source material. This movie is going to be “kill as many civilians as we possibly can but preach about keeping people safe and killing is wrong part 5”

Lets just keep this in mind.

Jesus, does all things happening in the DCCU universe between the moments of dusk and dawn, and if not, why is it always so grey, like perpetual sadness.

Ok, so are they actually admitting that the 45th Administration is, in fact, fascist?

The people you refer to have managed to construct a world view where they consider themselves to be the same kind of “symbol” as a Wolverine or a Magneto while simultaneously managing to ignore the fact that they are actually the kind of person Wolverine or Magneto would consider “the enemy.”

Now playing

Classic Trump supporters. I wonder if there’s a certain point where they look at themselves in the mirror...

I’m quite happy with the idea of making all of the internet and entertainment basically toxic to Nazis. There’s no right not to be offended, as they so often remind us, so let’s offend their delicate white supremacist sensibilities.

If you can’t tell the difference between your politics and Nazi politics you just might be . . . a Nazi.

You know, for a group that prides itself of being armed badass patriots, they sure to whine a lot.

“The airwaves are ours?”

It’s telling that their knee-jerk reaction to an anti-nazi channel is to angrily oppose it.

Or a pet primate who thinks it’s the one in charge?

I bet it was Harry Dresden who got her into role-playing after their first big team up.

Sue the dinosaur’s taken up playing Dungeons and Dragons? Harry Dresden, you have a lot to answer for...

Well that does beat what I thought was going to be the best D&D story I heard this week.

You need to bring Stanley Tucci into this, because the Grandmaster definitely seems to be Caesar Flickerman’s cousin!

Sooo Thor Ragnarok has a  better power rangers costume then the new power rangers film

Now I want the Grandmaster and the Collector to hang out, so I can watch a full-on scenery chewing contest between del Toro and Goldblum.