
“Where did it go?”

Yeah, I know. This is heavy.

If they were going to leave this bug in, the least they could’ve done was make sure that the tire tracks are on fire when it happens.

Great Scott!

This is exciting. With any luck, this news nudges Isao Takahata to make another swan song. I feel like the retirements at Ghibli have let Pixar get complacement these last few years. I want Miyazaki to light a fire under the ass of the entire industry once again.

Lightning flashes. A fist with a pencil in it smashes out of the tomb.

Well, you technically can, assuming what you do is something you’re no longer allowed to do and can’t afford to do as a hobby, like military officers that can’t just retire and start private arm....oh, no wait, yeah, you’re right.

The problem with Miyazaki is that he’s an artist, he’s not a director in the western sense of the world. He doesn’t just have a lot of say in the making of the movie, he also gets his hands dirty actually contributing to the finished products animation. He’s drawn and animated all his life, he probably doesn’t know

There will come a day when Miyazaki will have passed away and people will tell me that he will never make another film. And I won’t believe them then either.

Hayao Miyazaki... The Hideo Kojima of the filmmaking world.

Not too surprised. Filmmaking has been this man’s life since he was a child, it’s been his passion for years and years.

It’s possible, they just aren’t using the techniques you’d need to use to effectively pull off a Yugioh hairstyle. You can still use wigs, but cardboard and glue is definitely involved XD


Mr. Trump, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may

If one of my college students submitted this to me as his informative essay, it would get a D-. And that would be being generous. Nothing in that approaches a coherent thought.

Cannot WAIT for him to refer to a Black foreign head of state as an African American.