
He has no depth perception, give him a break.

. . . “Borgward?”

Correction, that woman wishes she looked like Klinger.

They probably can't get Hinata's eyes white enough and still let the actress see anything, though.

Yeah! C'mon, we wanna see Bushy-Brows!


Others go into politics.

This is Ferris Bueller's fault, isn't it?

"Skynet is my co-pilot"

Also worth noting that Miriya wasn't just an "alien spy," she was the squadron leader of the Quadrono Batallion, the most feared and revered killing machines in the Zentraedi fleet. And when she married Max (and became the mother of his children), she explicitly did NOT retire, but remained co-leader of the reformed


It's like the Darwin equivalent of "I cannot brain today. I have the dumb."

On the bright side, the superpowered robot hero to fight the giant monster will be right on hand.

Remembrance Day. Shiny.

Yeah, I'm getting the "You are not American. Fuck off." signal too.

Now playing

Forget Jurassic Park, I wanna see a Dinosaucers movie!

It's better than FemShep; it's FemShep as played by Sue Sylvester.

And thus, in another universe, they invented automail.

The crowd goes fracking wild, sir.