
Just finished season 2 the other day. There’s something about well choreographed 2D action that leaves me in awe.

“New content added” just gave me horrible flash back to the Transformers Generation 2 “cartoon” which was just the original G1 show with weird CGI bits thrown in for transition. Power Rangers did something similar a while back as well.

The Tom Cavanagh of Agents of SHIELD.

Still mad about Almost Human. Humans is doing a good job replacing it though.

Been rooting for that since they started the LMD storyline.


Daisy gets her own Rasengan. Sweeet.

Really enjoy all the iterations of Ward, but I was really hoping for Tripp.


So Chewbacca is just going to play himself in this one, huh?

You’re right that the original Han Solo novels might make for a good mine of story ideas, but you’ve got the wrong books. The *original* Han Solo novels (Han Solo at Stars’ End, Han Solo’s Revenge, and Han Solo and the Lost Legacy) beat your titles to publication by almost two decades. Yes, the general story elements

At the end of those college movies, they usually do the little “This person went on to become mayor of MovieTown” things, and there’s always the one character that gets “Steve McFuckup never changed!”. Han Solo is that guy.

Like a Galaxy Quest thing! Star Wars Quest.

and THAT probably sums up the whole frigging plot... College movie in space


It’s possible, they just aren’t using the techniques you’d need to use to effectively pull off a Yugioh hairstyle. You can still use wigs, but cardboard and glue is definitely involved XD

Actually, I’d love to see Hera deliver Sabine’s belongings. They need a goodbye, and Ursa needs to see what kind of leader her daughter has been learning from.

I’ve been reading a few Star Wars novels lately, and their portrayal of Mandalorians is so different but feels truer than what I keep seeing on Rebels.

Isn’t intrigue what got Star Wars in trouble in the first place?