

Yeah, you need to rethink the title. That’s a mech suit, think Gundam or Pac Rim, or Macross, ect..... 

Less like Iron Man and more like Big O.

Probably a bit like Bruce’s, as both have an intense level of internal drive that makes laziness or distraction rare. I’m sure 90% of Alfred’s parenting is finding shit for Damien and Bruce to do when they run out of their own ideas or are getting in the way.

Indeed. The Tim/Connor relationship was one of the best in comics before Nu52 screwed it all up.

almost certain?
tskk tskk! definitely certain as if the above historical photo proves.

I have sadly become so used to blind-mind politicians and pundits on the right, that when you said

It’d be kind of interesting to see someone write Damien from the angle of what ways his abnormal childhood has led to abnormal psychological health in certain areas. One big one would be that he has likely never felt useless or that anything he does is make-work, as he’s spent his life being trained for very

The fact that Batman was a much better and more experienced father than Superman was my favorite part about the Young Justice cartoon. There’s a great scene where Dick Grayson is taking out his frustration training in the cave and loses his temper and Alfred shows up to tell him that Master Bruce wants him outside.

I thought Bryan Q. Miller made good use of Damian as a foil for Stephanie Brown in Batgirl. They had an older sister/younger brother vibe that was a lot of fun. The issue where she made Damian jump in a bouncing house was great.

I don’t dislike this pairing, but it makes me nostalgic for the Tim Drake/Connor Kent team ups & friendship. :(

but the contradiction to that is we don’t actually know what we are looking for to say it hasn’t been here.

Remember when statesmen and leaders were intelligent, well-read, and had a firm grasp on concepts outside of politics and game-shows, like science. Those were the days.

It is completely ignorant to think we are the only beings in the entirety of the universe. Its like thinking your the only person in your state because you can’t see anyone else.

Maybe he was just trying to drum up some defense funding?

Obligatory Doctor Who reference.

Jason Momoa. You cannot forget Jason Momoa.

I would love to see a show where Dwayne Johnston, Terry Crewes, and Chris Helmsworth hang out and act like goofballs.

I’d honestly pay to see a movie like this.

If they made this 2 hours long and released it as the next Thor movie, I’d still be completely happy.