
I don’t even think that’s the defect. If Paramount just wanted a free money trickle they would have worked at finding a way to monetize the fan-made projects rather than just shutting them down. It seem clear that Paramount is at a complete loss for how to manage Star Trek.

Star (Trek) Tours

I am now imagining Star Trek Land at Disneyworld and all the awesomeness that would entail.

Hell My Little Pony has been rebooted and become more culturally relevant than Star Trek. Among a lot of the same people who probably would be watching Star Trek in fact.

I want to give a massive shoutout to Raven Software, the slowly dying developer of Elite Force.

They also developed the cumbersomely titled ‘Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast’, the only Star Wars game that really captured the feel of being a Jedi Knight. Those final levels when you have all of your force powers

I’m absolutely loving the huge risk they’re taking in pushing Ezra down this path. The last show to delve into the consequences and actions of something similar to this on Disney XD got cancelled just as it was picking up (Tron Uprising, and yes, I am still extremely bitter about that), but this seems to be going even

The detail I really liked is the way the game utilised transporter technology to handwave away the classic FPS ‘huge stash of weapons’ paradox.;

Let’s be clear, the Argo was Federation-made. It could have been made by Vulcans, Tellerites, or even a Bolian or two. The Federation isn’t a Homo sapiens-only club.

I don’t think so. We all know what the real greatest Star Trek game is.

I really enjoyed this game.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, I’m still unhappy of them taking Deadshot out of the show and setting groundwork for Harley that will never be folllowed up on.

Me too, then I realize that Cisco was all of us in a comic book universe

It’s funny, because I HATED Cisco for like 3/4 of season 1 and now he’s one of my favorite characters in the entire DC TV universe and makes me laugh out loud at least once an episode.

Being DC, there is still hope for a Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline that takes the good bits from the TV and movie universes and creates a prime “best” shared universe.

I choose to remain optimistic that this means that a live-action Matt Ryan Constantine movie is in the works

If that’s true, that’s even sadder. DC should not treat TV as second hand grounds. Their movies come once every 6 months or so, but their TV shows are what keep people hooked up to the TV characters and when you mistreat a medium you mistreat it’s followers.

I am not the biggest fan of the DC CW universe, but I respect

He can cross dimensions...

So their ‘test run’ was far more successful than their actual product.

“Now you can only see the failure we made of your work!”

Then, once finding out that it was successful, told to never mention the Arrowverse Suicide Squad again because they thought people would get confused about the two versions of the team.