
They’re essentially their own side-continuity shortly after First Contact.

The entire DS9 relaunch has been amazing. There’s some ingress points in there that are better than others, depending on how much you want to read. It’s been a great melding of the old stuff and some new stuff

A note: this is pretty much just books published since the year 2000.

Fry, his money outstretched.

AWESOME! ‘Voyager’ is unapologetically my favorite Trek. Just added them to my Amazon wish list. Thank you for the breakdown, I can’t wait to read them and revisit the USS Voyager. #StarTrek50

This is literally the first product in my entire 34 years of life that I have ever wanted to just throw my money at. I never knew this might exist up until the moment I read this article and now I want one so bad I can taste it.

This isn’t “every single Star Trek novel”. The notes at the top say, “It is by no means exhaustive”.

Cisco finally gets full name - Francis Shaw. This is a nice callback to Frankie Shaw - actress who played Shayla but it’s also pretty much confirms he’s dead. He and Darlene were being nice to each other and kind of cute together, especially in the diner, and they talked about escaping together and he gets a full

That noise machine was to drown-out any listening devices in her house.

LOVED Rubicon.

Wow! Someone else actually remembers Rubicon.

Now is the perfect time for a “Rubicon” revival/reboot.

I thought the intro was the best part of the episode. It was chilling to hear that guy who basically played the same character in Rubicon explain how there are one, maybe two, people in the World more powerful than him. And that music. I’ve heard that before but don’t know it’s name. Anyone?

We can argue which Trek is the best *Trek* all day, but DS9 is absolutely the best *television show* of the Treks.

It’s the best written, and is much deeper than any of the others. Dukat is the greatest villain Trek has ever had by a wide margin and it’s the only show to truly display the alien diversity that the other


Can I get an amen for the Cardassians in this show? Both the arcs of Dukat and Damar are worthy of admiration. The first goes from overlord to pest to ally to betrayer to believer to devil. The second sees the disgust in his life’s work and leaves it all (including that delicious kanar) to fight for his people,

I never bought the no money thing. How else do O’Brien and Bashir pay Quark for all the time they spend in his holosuites? He sure as hell isn’t providing them for free.

It was also the most romantic Trek. It was a series-long homage to Casablanca, and gave us Worf’s most emotional scenes of love and loss (and pretty much every other character at some point). It was really fitting that the first Trek series following the collapse of the Soviet Union would reflect the real world in so

My favourite was Captain Boday, what a mind.

Likewise, Sisko was the first Star Trek captain who wasn’t afraid to show his flaws, often to his own detriment.