
I still don’t get the whole problem with that scene in Beyond. It was perfect Trek - one half extremely silly, one half brilliant puzzle-solving. It was all I love about Trek as a mostly casual Trek fans.

Showing my personal nerdom here but when I see that face I can’t help but think of the recent version of Overlord from Transformers.

Rebels is the best Star Wars to come out in the last five years.

Agreed. I’m wondering how hard it would be to buy one of these, and then swap in a larger drive?

I’ve never seen this diagram before so I’m geeking out a little. That means I gotta do the math on the Enterprise’s data storage capacity. A quick google for “kiloquad” suggests that it’s equivalent to 2**100 bytes, or roughly more data than mankind has ever produced. And the Enterprise had a storage capacity of

Yeah, on a vehicle this expensive, saving a few grand (on the cab, climate control, physical controls, etc), and reducing height and weight doesn’t seem like that big of a benefit.
That said, if eliminating the cab makes maintenance easier - since you don’t have all that human-related shit in the way - that might be

There is, it’s actually Black Lightning’s daughter, who becomes his successor but drops the “Black” from her name.

Did someone say “Black Vulcan?”

The Future, I remember thee fondly.

Outside of the powers and urban setting, they’re very different. Jeff is a teacher, which is a great plot point.

No problems, just
Throw on a saddle, with a
Set of stirrups and your good-to-go!

I refuse to call liquid rocks wildlife unless they’re inscribing ‘no kill i’ on a cave wall.

If this is a success it might be time for me to pitch World of Wollstonecraft.

If the ballroom dancing is a rhythm mini-game, I’m there.

I am absolutely whemled by this news.

Deathstroke seems a bit redundant in a film which already features the DCCU’s take on Batman.

Nothing will ever beat Manu Bennett’s fantastic run as Slade Wilson on Arrow.

‘Now, we finally can see what Hitomi did right before it died.’