
That would make AoS the best show in all of TV.

Meanwhile, Ben McKenzie frowns, affronted that J.K. Simmons somehow forgot to mention his definitive take on the character.

ALS hasn't killed him for fifty years. He's a tough sonofabitch.

“In the comics, Williams came to the erroneous conclusion that Hal’s brother Jordan was Green Lantern, rather than the correct assumption that it was Hal Jordan.”

King Randor.

The robot apocalypse sure is looking funky

walk into the club like

1:35 [screaming internally]

This is definitely going to lead to a movie where a scientist figures out that if they can cause a temporary death state and bring someone back (albeit with incredible risk), the cellular change activated during the death state results in mutant powers or something.

It was probably more confused than incapable. “Almost out! I’m sure I’ll be done shedding any minute now! Any . . . minute! Why am I still here? Oh, well! Better keep going! I'm sure it'll be over soon!”

Donnie Yen don’t need your damn Force.

That’s tea bird.

What people fail to understand is that journalists on television, on the radio, and online are some of the least informed people on the planet. Many of them are actually less informed than your Aunt that you only talk to on Facebook. You know the one.

God help me, I misread that hashtag as “teal izzard.”

Oh GMA...