
Astronomers Recorded This Eerie Music From a 13-Billion-Year-Old Star

Send in the worm guy.

Worm. Sure.

Character development and second seasons must be nice....

Cthulhu’s slogan would be “Change - whether you want it or not”

I would just like to throw in a side point: Octopi are freaking AWESOME. If you ever get a chance to meet an octupus, take it. I ran into one (we suspect it was the same one, since it was in the same place and I believe they’re territorial) a couple of times on a scuba dive in Palau, and once he figured out that we

I stopped eating octopus (tako) a few months ago when I saw that video of the problem solver having fun with a mason jar. It just seemed like they were too smart to gobble up.

True, so maybe this is just the anal type A engineer in me, but if I was in charge of the project and there was one more mirror in one quadrant than another I couldn’t sleep at night.

A spokesperson for the plant said it’s too early to comment on the cause...

Not again....

In the future where this is reality, the corporations that produce the ads own the politicians. As a result, the ads will be better protected by the law than the people.

Photo of the security guard in question.

Agreed. Without the TV and movie shackles the writers have been having a wild time. If have not read the books in a while, be sure to pick em up post ~2005. Especially TNG, DS9, and latter Voyager books. (the TOS ones are ok but they kind of remains the same as ever).

Stumbled across this in a Facebook link reading about the new series.... Anyway, I was curious if you had read any of the “Enterprise” books that had come out after the TV series had ended?

I’ve largely enjoyed all of the Star Trek novelverse set post Nemesis... and the ST:TNG series leading up to it is pretty good too.

Yeah, I loved the New Frontier series. It was Trek without the over the top seriousness and was essentially TOS in the TNG era.

Sounds like i’d enjoy reading this series. I don’t know why I haven’t, I’m a big fan of trek and loved David’s X-Factor comic. I’ve recently got back into reading Trek fiction because of Kirsten Beyer’s new Voyager novels. Her books are quite simply everything the show should have been and have been genuinely good

if you want something different try the Department of Temporal Investigations books, very random , but decent read.

One of the things I love about Star Trek, as opposed to Star Wars (which I also like) is that much of its setting is LITERALLY unexplored. There’s a reason why Starfleet’s primary mandate is exploration and discovery, and it’s because even the Alpha Quadrant, the seat of the Federation, is largely unexplored, much

New Frontier is what ended up getting me into Star Trek novels when I was in high school. I was a pretty avid reader, but lost track of the series as the books started coming out less frequently. IMO the first 14 are the best and after that it starts to go off the rails a little. Maybe it would’ve found it’s way back