
I’m so sick of anti-robot fearmongering films. Why can’t we have more movies like Short Circuit or Bicentennial Man?

Hey, gamers! It’s a horror movie about an escort mission! That’s plenty scary to begin with.

Am I the only one who thinks the project to investigate FRBs should be named “Phineas?”

Howdy Cowboy.

I think my favourite part of all those images is that they aren’t just rehashing what we’ve seen before. These are new places but with a Star Wars flavour. Some of them look a bit like the rejected preproduction art from The Force Awakens.

What’s missing from these images are the couple hundred tourists standing in front of you holding up their phones.

Hey nao! That ape’s a lot more human than Trump ever will be.

Well as long we’re posting cats:

Sigh. The cloaking device was a ROMULAN invention. They traded it to the Klingons in exchange for warp drive technology.

C’mon, guys. Get your nerd references in check.

I’m upset that I was snubbed in the nature category yet again. This is Pulitzer Prize winning stuff:

Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Professional Genre Dad Who Dies.

One could say that the lesson is that brand recognition, like star power, is no longer a guarantee of success. Marvel built up nearly a decade of good will of fair-to-actually-really-good movies. We nerds now trust Marvel to make a reasonably good movie, sight unseen.

It’s not that hard when the entire house is one room.

YOU HAD ONE JOB, PENNYWORTH. And it wasn’t even butlering, apparently.

What was he doing the night they were murdered? Probably killing Mufasa, or running Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson through the wringer.

I guess Abacha Tunde is just gonna have to science the shit out of this.

Betty White for Deadpool 2?

It’s interesting how fans of the 2008-2015 Clone Wars cartoon have a completely different reaction than people who have only seen the prequel movies.

Hey, sometimes the internet forcing couples together turns out all right.

And yet, in the end, its all about family.