
I feel this needs to be more reggae. Or at least in a belter patois.

We should suit Karl Urban up as Dredd and film a movie Tangerine-style this weekend in SF.

It’s getting harder to separate bad sci-fi from reality, why just yesterday I saw Christopher Lambert running down the street with an explosive collar affixed to his neck.

I forgot that we were talking about just football. All three of my wrong answers would apply to the Olympics though. Possibly the World Cup too.

Superman’s body acting as an antenna would be fine if radio signals were transmitted like acoustic signals, but there again is the problem.

“Adults...struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even

That is not Super-Mathematics... That’s - mathematics!

Gary gets all the stars.

Starred for Gary, but then removed because you reminded me that Lucy was a thing.

Tony can’t look Cap in the eyes for a moment, but when he finally musters up the courage to look Cap in the eyes, he says: “I did. And I’m going to fix this.”

Jones character is in direct contrast to all modern super hero protagonists. Watch is biggest solo fights and nearly all of them end with not some unrelatable display of physicallity, but they end with ‘scenarios’ bringing Indy victory. The prop blades, the stone crusher, the opening of the ark, the greed of that bald

I routinely feel like I am one of the few people who really liked Iron Man 3. In fact the first two acts being so grounded in such uncharacteristically un-superhero ways is why I liked it. It re-humanized Stark for me and just allowed him to be a mortal guy with a very big brain MacGyvering his way out of trouble. I

My friends and I have agreed that the whole series should be renamed to “Hermione Granger and the X”.

Yeah as much as people complain about Iron Man 3 regarding the Mandarin, which personally I thought the twist was brilliant and the real problem was that all they really had was the twist, but nobody really brings up the fact that the film actually tried to show that there were consequences resulting from the Battle

God help me, I love this movie far more than it’s right to. Los Locos kick you ass, Los Locos kick your face, Los Locos kick your balls into outer space!

Absolutely agree. It’s not about making things more violent, but making every act of violence count. And I don’t mean counting the number of dead mooks or bystanders on the floor.

^two of my faves

I recently watched Sam Raimi’s first Spider Man film for the first time in years... and oh man, that last fight really struck me for this very reason. Peter Parker gets his ass handed to him on a silver platter for like 3 minutes straight, and Raimi doesn’t pull any punches. It’s still PG-13, but the threat of R-rated

I miss the hero whose sidekick is actually the bad ass.