
Legend of Wonder Woman is my favorite! It is sooo much more interesting then most and breathes life into her origin while staying true to it

Well from my experience, since it’s China, it starts off flashy and beautiful. It looks first class at the beginning. But then gradually you start to notice cracks. Paint peeling, Half the stuff shutdown to save money, trash and spit and body fluids being found. Finally just everything breaks down and looks worse than

So Rumble gets the black and red unitard, and Frenzy gets the two-tone blue one, right?

This is bad comedy...

Fantastic. Another reason for Kylo Ren to be upset. As if he needed another.

I know people say this show is fun and dumb but after the scene in The Forest of Coincidence, I think this show is brilliant. The writers clearly saw they had painted themselves in a corner. How do you get Sid to Galavant when he has no idea where he went to? How do you get him there when he is on foot and without

MOTU is one of my favorite al time movies, PERIOD.

This coming from a hardcore Trekkie, I really enjoyed the first movie(well, except young Kirk stealing the car scene). Hell, the opening sequence was some of the most intense 10 minutes of any Star Trek movie. That being said, “Into Darkness” was utter shit, so I’m really curbing my expectations for the 3rd one after

See, this is what fucking pisses me off. If you don’t really want to make a Star Trek film, then DON’T. MAKE SOMETHING ELSE.

That’s the only Secret I want answered: why Karl Urban is used so little in these films.

For your consideration,

Going back a ways, it dawns on me that Zorro was not an orphan. Yes, his father was a widower by the time the story starts up, but Don Alejandro is generally portrayed as a decent and honorable old gentleman even if he is (more often than not) to law-abiding to let in on Don Diego’s secret life as Zorror. Clueless but

No Korra love?

Until Geoff Johns’ fucked up need to make everybody Batman, Barry Allen had two loving parents all his life.

Is it wrong to really enjoy “the odds” (save Insurrection and Nemesis) because they keep to the stated mission of the show? V’ger, Genesis, God, I loved them despite their flaws because they were about what the show was about “new life and new civilizations”. Is it unfair to say II (while awesome) ruined the series?

I’ve always considered the Jadzia Dax (and Trill in general) to, at least touch on some fascinating issues regarding gender identity and relationships.

Anybody embracing the awesomeness of Vanguard is aces in my book.

TNG’s crew includes a disabled engineer, for example.