
I like to think that the morph bit refers to the fact that the final shape is always different based on which species the facehugger. It'd have been nice if Scott or Cameron had given us a definite name for them though, even in all the novels they still call them Xeno's (always a big X in those). Maybe we'll get one

Unless xeno- is used to mean "other than the alien", so that Xenomorph = that which takes its form from others. Works with the whole apparent idea that they take the shape of whatever they incubated in.

I saw this and the first thing I thought of was Kandor.

Fred Hoyle, looking a Bok Globules and similar galactic formations, would agree. As he wrote in this example of hard SF.

"Every time we say 'Nope, no way anything could live here' we are proven wrong."

Guardians of the Galaxy (though it's going to be great all by itself!)

Raiders of the Lost Serenity.

How Prometheus should have ended!

Clearly the ground is hot lava.

No, no, no, they're clearly urRu.

This story needs 100% more pangolin babies.

Well, at least someone is having fun.

Some of these look like they deserve to be on the set of star trek, or Firefly.....Gorramit now I miss Firefly again...

Did someone say abandoned salt mine? Sounds like a prime location. For SCIENCE!

Oh yeah, I neglected to mention the similarities to these ideas! Not finished yet.

isn't this the before shot, then Aku shows up and enslaves everyone?

I like the indoor balconies. Well, I like a bunch of these, but that one in particular.