
The was a TV pilot for a sequel; they called it "The Star Trek".

And the Bluetooth Ceti Eel.

to make some kind of iPhone/isopod pun (like my brain's been trying to do ever since I saw these)

Based on that diagram they aren't working with Hollywood, they're working with Chigs.

If only this asshole knew how to use his camera phone we may have been able to see wtf was going on in the video.

Or the bear assassin she hired and now must get rid of.

I was thinking mobster or gangster, but that works too.

Platt's starport guide says that we should only buy booze in the duty free shop.

I found myself more engrossed in this short than the last three Star Wars movies and last Star Trek movie combined.

Very nice. It's hard to imagine everything being quite so prosaic given the bad rep of the First Galactic Empire, but there are plenty of SF stories where alien supertech suddenly arrives and insinuates itself into Earth's contemporary life. (Consider the TV show Earth: Final Conflict, in which Taelon

When I first saw that video link, I was like "Why the hell is Louis C.K. wearing a red bow tie...oh."

I wish we humans had simple flirt gestures. Or am I missing something?

Considering that there are millions of human clones living on this planet, I always find it surprising when people assume that being a clone means losing your individuality.

Is that ... is that Captain Khaleesi???

I consider it the best possible outcome when only stupid pays for stupid deeds.

That car graph looks like the worst, most confusing subway map I've ever seen. I'm lost without ever leaving my house.

The only thing that would make this soundtrack better is if it actually came out on cassette.

I don't think the Drake Equation comic is intended to claim there's no life out there (that's certainly not my position), I think it's intended to show that the Drake Equation has no value in determining that. It's little more than a codification of our ignorance on the subject. After all, half the variables are

You mean like Ant-Man uses in Marvel comics? Or Shino using his bugs in Naruto?