
One of these days I want to have my picture taken at all the beautiful locations in the world but instead of me smiling at the camera, I just want to look completely disinterested while playing a Gameboy.

well... kinda!

You could get this silkscreened onto the back of a shirt and wear it when you go shopping.

I, too, am a person that hates line crowders. It makes me very uncomfortable. I have developed a technique that works for me.

So, it was like the D&D of the 1800s?

A number of years ago in the Games Workshop store on the upper west side of Manhattan, I'm trying to avoid spending too much money when a Crazy Lady walks in and starts shrieking about how war is evil, war-games are evil and teaching children to war through war-games is double plus evil.

provoke bellicose behavior

Just like real life!

Nixon would have built giant robots to beat up weirdos in a heartbeat if anybody had come to him with a proposal.

No, Doctor Who is someone else entirely ;)

Art and Felix spinoff show: The Detective and the Private Dick.

"Holy Tilda Swinton."

Does 'BFE' stand for Big Fucking Explosion?

This is another one of those frustrating posts were I really want to see more then the two images but there is not clear link to the source material. That would have been nice

I like wonder. I like understanding stuff. I'm curious about the world around us. And I get that science isn't about "leaving it to the imagination", or vague definition or guesswork ("ach, that's close enough for our purposes")... But I'm not a chemist, physicist, biologist, etc., or even all that keen on filling out

Alan Scott's* worst nightmare; a lobster made of wood, which his Power Ring cannot affect.

*aussie accent* THIS is a lobstah! */aussie accent*

To which any scientist could have replied, "Sir, of what use is a newborn baby?" Or "If we turn away from rigorous pursuit of scientific curiosity, we may as well nail our eyes shut and return to the beasts."