C to the J

The only racism I see on blatant display is here is this hate filled rag you call...I don’t even know what you call this place. It’s not news. It’s more like “who’s fault is it but my own” or “how can I be a better media lapdog today?”. Just complain and be racist with all the other racists. Then get ready for 4 more

I vaguely remember trying this out at a friend’s house, but not really knowing what I was supposed to do and lost interest quickly. Damnit impatient young me! This sounds like it could have been some good memories.

Just a tip if you want: I used to spread the butter on the bread and then grill it like it sounds like you are, but just putting some butter in the pan and letting it melt before you grill each side is much easier and faster. That way you can get that warm goo in your mouth as soon as possible.

Pretty sure they’re talking about Kraft. I prefer Velveeta slices myself.

Every new car I’ve ever bought has less than 10 miles on the odometer.

Her argument makes no sense. He obviously knows exactly what will happen if he turns comments on, so don’t diminish the message with flame wars between racist garbage. Posting your message and leaving it at that and not even giving the trolls a voice is a lot more powerful than “testing the waters” to see what people

That’s a cartoon bro.

Looks outstandingly uncomfortable. Where do you rest your wrists? Or is the goal to give yourself carpal tunnel?

Fixed that for you.

Normal people call that “rust”.

That’s what all of us normal people are thinking sarcastically about the author even writing this piece.

Everything you complained about are things that aren’t even problems. Wrong viewing angle? Move your chair one way or the other..I know, fucking difficult right? 4k useless on a 27" monitor? You probably should go see your eye doctor if you can tell no difference.

Everything you complained about are things that aren’t even problems. Wrong viewing angle? Move your chair one way

Hero bans...they’re stupid.

Your definition of “dirt cheap” and mine differ greatly.

I bet he originally crafted it as the Ass Blaster 2600.
Did it have suction cups on the bottom at any time?

It got stopped at the gates of Disney and turned into a prostitute.

This looks like it’s meant more for digging, moving and (un)loading stuff into something else that’s meant to haul it.

I know, I always just throw my other 1000 pound attachments on my tractor back and forth like it’s no effort at all...

Excellent choice for the pic!

50"?...that’s just a little over 4 feet. You sure you’re reading that correctly? Or are you talking about the backboard, then the base and then back to the backboard again?

50"?...that’s just a little over 4 feet. You sure you’re reading that correctly? Or are you talking about the