C to the J

Get outta here with your holier than thou act. Everybody has those thoughts, just most don’t have the balls to say it out loud.

Anyone who’s smart enough to carry this plan out is smart enough to know it’s wrong.

The Fallout games usually hook me with the intro. Especially Fallout 3, definitely my favorite intro to any game I’ve ever played. I also fell in love with the Elder Scrolls games back in Morrowind.

It sounds like they should stick to single player games because those are some really tame insults to get bent over.

Oh shit guys, we’ve got an internet doctor in the house! He’s even diagnosed everything wrong with POTUS without actually seeing or knowing him. Outstanding!

No. That’s only maybe 10 games AAA installed before you’re getting low on space. At the rate they’re growing, next year it will only be 7 before it’s full. By the time this console is going to be replaced, you’ll have 4 games installed at a time.

That’s why consoles are for suckers.

Most people know Luke is just a hater of everything and injects his shitty opinions on everything he writes instead of just giving you unbiased information.

This is a non-issue. People don’t just go throw $500+ at something like this without doing some research first. Research...I know...it’s a foreign concept to you journalists these days. You should try it.

I hope you’re ready to enjoy 4 more years of Trump ladies! You all have a lot of research to do to sift through all these lies you’re being exposed to.

Enjoy 4 more years of Trump, you fuckin’ racists!

Haha...so why do you get to tell anybody anything? Where does your privilege come from?

Note to you: we are not scared of your childlike threats. You’re too stupid to even realize that you’re being controlled and told what to think by old rich white guys, so I’m definitely not intimidated by anything that you could muster up between those two brain cells you have in there.

Your fake outrage at everything is tiresome.

Uh no, she’s just answering questions that the dumbass media people in attendance ask her. Try learning how the world works before you act like you know wtf you’re talking about.

You can keep your head buried in the sand all you want, but you know exactly what she meant.

And when he wins again this year every one of you racist pieces of shit should just wade out into the ocean and never come back.

These types of behaviors have been happening for years

You mean “certain black lives matter”, right?

Ok snowflake (I’m making the hand gesture at you as I type this).