
No, man. You can't say the burden of proof falls on us (it doesn't) and then say if we don't thing the burden falls on us (still doesn't) to not say anything. You say we're being condescending, but I say you are. You're saying, "I don't like this, but it seems you do, so defend you position." No one here is saying

Well, she also said she was too smart to see it before, so there's the explanation for that

Dude. Deep breaths. Have a bacon pancake. You might be taking things just a little too seriously, which is a little funny given the nut of your complaint.

No one is expecting you to slog through it, but you want to take the short cuts and just have other people tell you everything in hopes that you end up liking it. As has more or less been pointed out, no one here cares if you like it or not, and no one is especially inclined to hold you hand and make you like it. If

Definitive proof that with strange aeons, even death may die

I thought them playing the podcast at the end was perfect. If you listen to Smith's podcasts regularly, he has always been fully aware of how silly the premise is. We differ in opinion as to the writing and execution of the film, but as a fan who more or less had a window into the entire process of this film from the

Or maybe some people like stuff you don't. I'm sure you like stuff I don't, but I'm not going to shit in your mouth over it. If you don't like something, just move on dude. Life's too short to get this pissy about a silly movie. If people enjoy it, be happy that they found something to give them a little entertainment

I've known about this movie since that podcast. They never said the movie wasn't a joke. If you followed Kevin Smith, you'd have know exactly what was coming and you would have enjoyed it. Your issue is you weren't in on the joke and took the flick way too seriously. They've been talking about this movie for a year on

Hate is a strong word, man. What did he do to you?

I've seen it twice. Not sure what there is to apologize for.

He does wear a different shirt every day. He owns so many of those jerseys

Have you seen his awesome instagram pic of his closet?

Pretty sure Will Arnett would be out of the game budget restraints

He still is that indie guy. He dropped out of the studio scene after cop out. Now he makes low budget indie flicks and secures the funding himself. He made Tusk for $3 million and was able to turn a profit before the film ever saw a screen by brokering favorable distribution deals. So I tend lean towards your B)

Exactly, man. Some of the reviews for Tusk I read were more personal attack pieces against Smith than actual reviews of the movie. He seems like one of the few genuinely nice guys making movies. If you listen to him on Hollywood Babble-On, he pretty much never talks bad about other people's work. The only people he

Some people ride a joke into the ground. Some people ride a joke to death. Brandt rides a joke into the ground, kills it, then violates the corpse

Said one officer, "The bear is kind of like my Uncle Bob. Uncle Bob is a bit of a loon, eh. Sometimes he just wants some Tim Horton's and to sleep it off in a nice back yard. So we're going to give this old guy some eclairs and a warm spot, then bingo-bongo Bob's your uncle and we get him out of there. And technically

Cornwell: I believe we can all agree that Mr. Winston is the face of the university and such a high profile person is bound to attract a certain level of ill-intended attention.

That loveable wonky-eyed scamp was trying to steal playing time

Aisha Tyler has said in interviews that Lana is biracial. I will take her word on the matter over yours. Also, that's where Archer's love of the song "Mulatto Butts" comes from